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Analysis of Global Leadership Practices for the Coca-Cola Company


Submitted By rtwalbrun
Words 2357
Pages 10
Analysis of Global Leadership Practices for The Coca-Cola Company Robert Walbrun
City University - Seattle Abstract
This paper will discuss The Coca-Cola Company, a company that does business with international stakeholders. It will analyze the leadership practices of working across cultures and outline what the organization does well in this regard and what opportunities exist for improvement. In conclusion, this paper will recommend actions that should be taken to make improvements in relations with international stakeholders. Analysis of Global Leadership Practices for The Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company spans across over 200 countries with more than 3500 products worldwide (“Coca-Cola at a glance”, n.d.). The company has been adaptive to the changing world and has adjusted its leadership structure to meet current business needs. Partnerships around the world have allowed it to adjust its manufacturing and distribution approach to meet the needs of each independent market. The company is cognizant of its emerging markets and makes investments that secure the future of those markets. While Coke is an extremely strong and recognizable brand around the world it has also exposed itself to controversial situations as it has worked to establish itself in new global markets. Unique challenges inhibit the company’s growth in some markets but recognition of collateral impact to specific business decisions and appropriate adjustments will maintain the company’s longstanding dominance.

Leadership Practices of Working Across Cultures

Not only is Coca-Cola is one of the most valuable brands in the world (“Rankings”, n.d.) but it is also in the top 20 most beloved brands in the world (Heine, 2013, para. 5). Being a US based multinational company, Coca-Cola has established a business structure that leverages the clout of its

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