Premium Essay

Analyzing a Concept


Submitted By Babygirl79554
Words 1186
Pages 5
Amy Powers
November 4, 2012

Eating red meat is awesome!!

All my life I have enjoyed eating a medium rare steak, chicken or hamburger. Nothing tastes better to me then a juicy steak, pink in the middle with a mound of my husbands sauteed onions on top and drowned in A-1 steak sauce. While a lot of people don’t eat meat, let alone a bloody steak, I can’t help but enjoy it regularly. The benefits of eating red meat in general, far outweigh any downside or health risks associated with eating red meat. People can argue that a rare or medium steak can make you sick, but I always reinforce that it depends on the way the steak is cooked and prepared. We always look for finely trimmed New York, Rib-eye or Sirloin and sear it to perfection. The nutrients, vitamins and taste of a perfectly prepared steak can and should be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of any health concerns.

While red meat is generally considered to be beef, bison, venison, lamb, duck and goose due to the darker red color of the meat, I am partial to different cuts of beef. These types of meat contain myoglobin, an iron-containing protein that carries oxygen from the blood to the muscles. The higher the myoglobin levels the redder the meat. While I do enjoy a roasted or fried chicken from time to time and it does contain some myoglobin, the U.S. Department of Agriculture considers chicken, veal and pork to be white meat. 60 years ago, the beef industry changed the way they raise cattle. While cattle raised grass-fed takes 18-24 months to mature, grain/corn fed became the standard due to them reaching maturity in only 14 months. (Carol Chuang This change not only changed the way the meat tastes, in my opinion, it changed the future of beef in general. Red meat, when prepared my way, is my primary choice in

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