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Ar Rahnu


Submitted By rubern
Words 7476
Pages 30
Implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the Singapore Construction Industry
Low Sui Pheng and Carol P.W. Loi
Introduction The Goods and Services Tax (GST), to be pegged at 3 per cent across the board for the first five years, was introduced by the Singapore Government on 1 April 1994. While this may just be another tax for many businesses, the rules and regulations governing the mechanism of this tax are entirely different from what companies and individuals have so far experienced from corporate and personal income tax respectively. Because GST is a transaction-based tax, it is levied at every stage of the business process and will finally be borne by the end consumers. Businesses registered for GST purposes become in essence the taxcollecting agents for the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). The manner in which businesses have traditionally been conducted will need to be changed. There will also be changes to both external and internal documentation to be maintained by GST-registered businesses. Like Value Added Tax (VAT), GST is a tax on domestic consumption. It is paid when money is spent on goods or services, including imports. It is not paid when money is saved and invested in productive capability. A business will therefore charge GST on the output it sells (called the “output tax”), pays a tax on materials and services it buys (called the “input tax”), and hands over to the tax authority the difference between its output tax and input tax in each accounting period. Conceptually, GST is in effect costless to a business if it deals in or purchases exempt goods and services or does not register[1,2]. In the case of the construction industry, the building contractor will collect the output GST on behalf of IRAS from the building client, while he has to pay input tax to the ready-mixed concrete supplier for every delivery of ready-mixed

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...Then, it continued to expand after the discovery of tin mining in Larut in the 19 century. Pawn broking can be traced back to at least 3,000 years in ancient China. It also has been found in the earliest written histories of Greek and Roman civilizations. According to the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), the Ar- Rahnu scheme can demonstrate its roles as a viable microcredit product of the financial institution in meeting the different customer requirements. Firstly, it represents a credit channel to those who want to use Ar-Rahnu scheme to obtain financial resources to meet their daily financial requirements; and secondly, it can be a credit channel to those who requires temporary working capital, particularly for small business. The objective of Ar-Rahnu is to create an alternative financing channel to the conventional pawn broking, that is not only more transparent but it also more compliant with Shari’ah principles. Ar-Rahnu is a form of microcredit product the borrower places their valuable assets such as gold or jewellery as collateral for the financing. In conventional pawn broking, the interest is charge based on the loan. On the other hand, Ar-Rahnu has no interest but it charges on safekeeping service. 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANIZATION 1.3.1 BANK RAKYAT Bank...

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...acceptable or not in a newly context of Islamic pawnshop. The simplified theory is tested using survey data from 250 respondents. Out of these, only 221 questionnaires are found to be usable whilst the rest are omitted owing to the incomplete responses. The results reveal that attitude was significantly related to the intention to use Islamic pawnshop. Subjective norm was also significantly associated with the intention to use Islamic pawnshop. In sum, the present study provides us valuable insights for service providers to future planning of Islamic pawnshop businesses. Key words: Attitude, subjective norm, questionnaire-survey, theory testing, Islamic pawnshop, Malaysia. INTRODUCTION In this study, an Islamic pawn is normally noted as arRahnu. Ar-Rahnu is defined as a method of providing short-term financing to a person by pawning her jewellery to banks or pawnshops as a security. It is one of the micro financing facilities available for low and middle class income earners who are seeking financial assistance to meet two purposes. Firstly, for precautionary purposes, mainly when one encounters unexpected situations such as death and accident which required quick cash, and less cumbersome financial assistance, Islamic pawnshop particularly acts to provide the access to overcome this demanding situation. Secondly, it is to meet one’s transaction needs. For instance, the availability of Islamic pawnshop is certainly assisting a small trader to meet her working capital need for the continuity...

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Ar Rahnu

...Research 13 (Research in Contemporary Islamic Finance and Wealth Management): 98-102, 2013; ISSN 1990-9233 © IDOSI Publications, 2013 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.13.1888 The Concept and Challenges of Islamic Pawn Broking (Ar-Rahnu) 1 S. Hisham, 1S. Abdul Shukor, 1A.B. Ummi Salwa and 2Kamaruzaman Jusoff 1 Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800 Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia 2 Department of Forest Production, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Abstract: The introduction of Islamic pawn broking (Ar-Rahnu) in Malaysia is seen as a new micro credit instrument. This paper aims to provide a review on Ar-Rahnu’s concept and challenges faced by Islamic pawn shops in Malaysia. The study employs library and archive research to achieve the objectives of the paper. Islamic pawn broking consists of four basic concepts namely Qardhul Hasan, Ar-Rahnu, Al-Wadi'ah and Al-Ujrah. The Islamic pawn broking have several advantages over conventional pawn broking because it provides a cheaper way to obtain financing and is free from interest. In addition, assets pawned are guaranteed to be kept safely and there is a fair practice in auctioning and bidding. In addition, Ar-Rahnu also helps finance educational needs and provides capital to small businesses and entrepreneurs. It implies that this instrument will help the community to increase economic capability of their families. Future research should...

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...needs cash to pay debts or settle a down payment, buy shares, house renovation or even to go on a vacation. The above instruments may not help us get the cash we want. A pawn broking operation is relatively straightforward. The borrower simply needs to place a pledge or security for the amount of debt needed. Rahnu is a means of providing short term financing to the public by pawning his/her jewellery to banks or pawnshops as a security. It is one of the microcredit and financial instruments for low income earners seeking financial assistance to meet their fast working capital needs. [2] The inclusion of syariah regulation in the banking system in 1983 has encouraged its implementation in other finance institutions such as insurance, trust unit and Islamic pawn broking (ar-rahnu). The main reason is to eliminate interest which was imposed by pawn brokers as payment from the cash being loaned. The effect can be seen by the emergence of two pawn broking systems in Malaysia, namely the conventional pawn broking system and the Islamic pawn broking system. Rahnu principle is mainly used for Islamic pawn broking services in Malaysia. Under rahnu, valuable item is collateralized to a debt which may be utilized as payment if the debt is not repaid within the agreed period. In the event the debtor is not able to repay the debt, the pawned asset will be sold off to...

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...awareness towards Islamic pawn broking Ar Rahnu Scheme and the main factors that influence the public to pursue Islamic pawn broking in Sungai Petani, Kedah. Questionnaires were used to collect the data and were analyzed via cross tabulation, mean score analysis and multiple regressions. The findings indicate Sungai Petani’s community is aware of the term Islamic pawn broking but the awareness is at a different level among the races. The majority of Chinese and Malays were aware of this scheme. However the Indians were not aware of the scheme. The findings also indicate that the majority of Islamic pawn broking consumers are in a lower income group, mainly from the private sector with an income of RM1000 and below. It is also found that the main factor influencing public to pursue Islamic pawn broking was its cheap cost of loan. The other factors that were tested were confidential, customer service, locality and income level. Keywords: Ar Rahnu Scheme, public awareness, cost of loan, confidential, customer service, locality and income level. 1459 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd 1. INTRODUCTION The first Islamic pawn broking institution, Muassasah Gadaian Islam Terengganu (MGIT), was set up by the Terengganu State Islamic Affairs and Malay Customs in January 1992.On 21 August 1993, the Minister of Finance announced the introduction of a scheme, known as Ar-Rahnu scheme through the collaboration...

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...CHAPTER 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter traces the background of the study covering definition of AR-RAHNU system, its history and the benefits that make it accepted even among non Muslim society. And then, a comparative analysis is done between AR-RAHNU with conventional pawnshop. Since this study was done at AR-RAHNU Bank Rakyat, thus the background also will cover a little about Bank Rakyat and then goes through its AR-RAHNU system. In this chapter, problem statement, objective of the study, scope and significance of the study also be presented. 1.1 Background of Study People say diamonds are women’s best friend while gold jewelry is their true friend. In reality, this is at least true among Malaysian women. The reason is, other than to enhance women’s look, the jewellery also could be functioned as collateral whenever cash is needed by using pawn broking financing. As we can see, pawnshop has become a common activity to Malaysian especially among the Malays community and has an overwhelming responses among the poor and middle class in Malaysia to have financial sources quickly and easily. On that basis, many pawnshops and pawnbrokers exist to offer this service. Pawnbroking is a business of advancing loans to customers who have pledged their personal belongings as security. The pawnbroker's trade is one of the oldest known, having existed 2,000–3,000 years ago in China, as well as in ancient Greece and Rome. 1.1.1 CURRENT SCENARIO Among the current scenarios...

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Customer Satisfaction Level of Service Quality at Ar-Rahnu

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Swot Analysis of National Book Store

...LEAD SCOUT- I am the lead scout, eyes and ears of the team, Equip with binocular and night vision goggles. Arm with M16 rifle NAVIGATOR- I am the navigator, driver of the team. Equip with lensatic compass and map. Arm with 60 cal Machine gun. RADIO MAN- I am the radio man, the life of the team and communication specialist. Equip with radio set and handbook. TEAM LEADER-HOWAAAA I am the team leader, command and control of the team, conversant of troop leading procedure. Equip with handheld radio, map and lensatic compass, Arm with Ar-15 rifle. HOWAAAAA. CONTACT MAN- I am the contact man, versatile actor of the team, intel and psy ops specialist, fluent in several dialects and languages. Equip with civilian clothes. Arm with M203 and grenade. ASSISTANT TEAM LEADER- I am the asst. team leader, demolition specialist. Equip with demolition equipment. Arm with M16 rifle. SNIPER- I am the sniper of team, expert in rifle, expert in estimating ranges, sharp shooter. Arm with sniper rifle with complete scope. TAIL SCOUT- I am the tail scout, my primary duty is to erase the track made by the team, medical specialist. Equip with first aid kit and camera. Arm with M16 rifle. LEAD SCOUT- He is the eyes and ears of the team. He is the sense of the visual tracker of the team. He is expert disarming and different type of traps, baits, snares and early warning devices by the enemies. He is specialized in silent hand signal. Expert to analyzed the terrain in the far sight and evaluating...

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Stricter Gun Control Policy In The United States

...they have obtained their semi-automatic rifle legally and have done all the required training and have never shot a person. Some assault weapons allow penetration through armor they are far more dangerous and should never be allowed in the hands of citizens and criminals. There are specific types of weapons which are designed to kill in a devastating manner which are used in the military, which is why they should not be seen on the streets even as a self-defense item. For example the most popular assault rifle is the AR-15 which uses M855 green tip bullets. Those specific bullets are made out of steel which allow them to pierce through armor. This evidence demonstrates how devastating they can be if they are used on a person. This type of assault weapons should only be used in the military. Although there has been a ban against bullets made of steel these M855 bullets have somehow managed to avoid the ban because they are found in assault rifles. The AR-15 rifle was used in the Sandy Hook incident for being in the hands of a criminal and such event should be prevented from happening again. By allowing more assault weapons in the reach of citizens will increase the number of gun related...

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