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Articles Of Confederation Dbq Analysis

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Pages 4
In the year 1780s, the Treaty of Paris was signed which declared official the end of the American Revolution and independence for the colonies to have their own self-government away from Britain's control. Congress then adopted the Articles of Confederation in 1777, but was later ratified in 1781. It was the first constitution in the United States that provided the colonies a government system for their new beginning. While some the patriots agree with the new system, the loyalist were not pleased with it and insisted in a stronger central government. Thus the Articles of Confederation did not give an effective government system in the United States because it had no economic resources or control over the colonies, and had terrible effects …show more content…
The country was not able to help itself with the loose power the central government have. A letter from the Rhode Island Assembly to Congress said, ‘‘I enclose their unanimous resolution to [reject] the recommendation of Congress, respecting an impost on imported goods, and to state some of [their] principal reasons..’’ (Doc A) This tells us that the Articles of Confederation was not allowed to tax or force the colonies, which shows that they have a weak government system. Congress tried to tax the colonies, but they did not like it and would suggest to do something else. This also shows how the Articles of Confederation has not real power nor control over the colonies. Next, John Jay writes a letter to George Washington expressing an issue that have in their economy. He says that the Articles of Confederation is bringing the economy down, a problem that cannot seem to fix. (Doc G) It seems like the Articles of Confederation is not helping the economy be stable for it has many flaws that do not help it. Overall we can see that the Articles of Confederation is not stabilizing any money debt, or control in the country, it is helpless to the country if the government does not have actual

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