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Slavery Dbq Analysis

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The expeditions that the Europeans made to the new world expanded their knowledge of tobacco. As a cash crop tobacco had the potential to make a lot of people from England rich because England wanted tobacco to be shipped to them. Yet tobacco also caused socioeconomic and racial inequality in 17th century Virginia because of the limitations toward labor, land in Virginia, and profit motive. Rich plantation owners driving the profit motive imported indentured servants and slaves in order to maximize profits. At first, the rich plantation owners thought that the land was unlimited but when indentured servants didn’t get the land they were promised, they rebelled. This caused large plantation owners to lose money and it caused them to bring slaves …show more content…
Because there would be fewer criminals in England. Another reason that a lot of people left to England was because of the “Contract for Indentured Servants” (1635) shows that Indentured servants were promised that their master would pay their journey, 50 acres of land, shelter, employed, necessities and etc. Indentured servants didn’t get what they were promised because of overpopulation, overproduction of tobacco, plantation owners owned most of the land and the indentured servants would get non-fertile land or no land at all. Also, indentured servants were paying high taxes because of governor Berkeley, who had a deal with the plantation owners and Indigenous people. Berkeley would give guns to the Indigenous people, in return for fur and the plantation owners would give him tobacco in return Berkeley would give them more land. As of a result, indentured servants weren’t making a lot of money to pay the high taxes. In the document “Bacon Rebellion” by Eric Foner it mentions “Planters connected with the governor engrossed the best lands, leaving freed servants with no

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