Premium Essay

Atom Bomb Justified?


Submitted By duffin111
Words 673
Pages 3
Michael Duffin
Persuasive Essay
October 29, 2009

Atom Bomb Justified?

War, death, and fire are the only smells around you. Hundreds of your allies are lying in a dead rotting heap. Enemies are blowing their selves up right in front of you, throwing their guts and scorched body parts all over. War isn’t a welcome sight in the eyes of people, but some had to live in it and survive. When the United States was at war with Japan, soldiers saw many things like what was described. Some even saw worse. I believe that dropping the two atomic bombs onto Japan was justified. Too many people were dying because of the war, the cost of the war was skyrocketing, and U.S soldiers were given the harshest and most unreasonable punishments by the Japanese. Some were beaten, some were forced to kill their own, and some were buried alive.
Over all, the total number of people killed from both atomic bombs adds up to be about 240,000. Many people died instantly, some later died from radiation and burns or other wounds. It is indeed sad that 240,000 people had to die but, compared to how many would’ve died if the war continued, 240,000 is nothing. It is estimated that if we just continued fighting the war and didn’t drop the bombs, then another million or so people would’ve died.
Other actions could’ve been taken like negotiation, but the fighting style of the Japanese spoke for itself. They would rather take a grenade strapped to their chest than be touched by an American. Negotiating would’ve been inevitable. Dropping the bombs saved way more lives than it took, and in a war, saving as many lives as possible is the best way to go. Unspeakable things happened to the American soldiers that were captured by the Japanese. Prisoners of war were tortured to death. Some were put into these marches, called Death Marches. The Japanese would line the American soldiers up into

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