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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Submitted By monica351972
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1. Disorder

Attention – deficit hyperactivity disorder
Demonica Felton
PSY 350: Physiological Psychology
Instructor: Julie Bruno
May 28, 2012

2. Disorder

Attention – deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that is developed during childhood. ADHD is referred to as a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. Individuals who suffer from ADHD have a difficult time controlling their physical activity and can also affect their relationship with family and friends. A child often times have attention problems but doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a sign of ADHD. Major research has been conducted to treat individuals who suffer from the disorder. Predominantly hyperactive – impulsive, predominantly inattentive, and combined form of the disorder is the three known types of ADHD. Many characteristics are recognized in children with ADHD. All parents and teachers should educate themselves about the symptoms and behaviors problems associated with the disorders. Parents have a very difficult time making an informed decision whether or not to give their child medication, because of the concerns involving some side effects (Dillon, 2012). Medical attention is needed if signs of ADHD is noticed because if left untreated can cause serious problems. It’s important to remember that characteristics of ADHD are severe behaviors, and often noticed before the age of seven. Every parent must always notify the school if a child is diagnose with ADHD. There are several reasons why I want to better understand Attention – deficit hyperactivity disorder as it relates to learning. Getting more insight on ADHD can help me improve my own relationship with my nephew whose diagnosis with the disorder. It’s important to know the variety of ways to help a child with ADHD succeed in life. According to research more boys are three times likely to have ADHD than girls. Learning a significant amount of information on Attention – deficit hyperactivity disorder can help improve my career in 3. Disorder

psychology. Having knowledge of all the signs and behavior problems that involves ADHD can help make it easier to diagnosis the condition.
Thousands of research has been conducted on how genetic factors can play a role in ADHD. A new study disclosed “ that prenatal exposure to alcohol can cause disruption to the brain’s cognitive and behavioral domain’s, which include executive function and adaptive functioning “ (Mental Health Weekly, 2012).Genes or genome-wide screening have shown that genetics has a role in ADHD. Many different studies have shown dopamine D4 (DRD4) and dopamine D5 (DRD5) genes as genetic evidence. It’s important to remember that it’s not any significant evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Mainly all of the studies have focused on dopaminergic neurotransmission system (Collingwood, 2010). “ADHD is linked to deficits in the functioning of several brain areas, including the prefrontal cortex, the basal ganglia, cerebellum, temporal and parietal cortex” (Collington, 2010). These areas are considered part of the brain activity. In 2010, a genome-wide study was conducted and determined that one chromosome is connected to ADHD.

Collingwood, J. (2010). The Genetics of ADHD. Retrieved May 28, 2010. From
Akinbami, L.J., Liu, Xiang., Pastor, P.N., Reuben, C.A. (2011). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Children Aged 5-17 years in the United States, 1998-2009. Retrieved May 28, 2012, from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders; Data from J. Lemiere and Colleagues Advance Knowledge in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders. Transportation Business Journal. Retrieved May 28, 2012, from ProQuest (Document ID: 2668500481).
Dillon, A. (2012). NSW: Stress Clouding Parents Choices about ADHD. AAP General News Wire. Retrieved May 28, 2012, from ProQuest (Document ID: 2666458621).

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