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Back to College Narration Format.4


Submitted By kiddoz
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Back to College Narration Brandy Balma
Crola College Online
ENG: 101{30031502}
Prof, Benta Kay Hallem


My main reason why I decided to go back to school and obtain my Bachelor Degree is not anything out of the ordinary. In today society, I see several working individual adults pursuing their degrees to acquire security and self-fulfillment. While others are searching for the advancement in pay and position in their current or new job. There are a number of those who need to obtain more confidence in their skills to do a good job for their company and feel that by getting a degree, they can achieve this goal. All of them pertain to me. Especially to the current economy, I strongly feel that there is a great advantage to having a degree versus not having one when it comes to searching for a job. The potential benefits of obtaining College education are numerous but differ for every individual. For several years, I had entertained the idea of returning to school, but I always managed to create an excuse as to why the time was not right. Underneath all these excuse was low self esteem, lack of time and fear. My past failure crippled my enthusiasm. To my surprise, that is about to change.
I am the oldest child of three, one sister, and one brother, we are raised by my mother, in a predominately Hispanic community, in Elpaso, Texas. My mother is a young industrious lady who has always instilled the importance of education in us. She would use her life experience as an example. She dropped out of eighth grade to marry and raise children. This is nothing far from Gifted Hands. “A woman with only a third grade education, and who was raised in foster home. Married at 13 years old to Roberts Carson, who was 15years older than she but struggled to raise two kids” ( Carson, Ben 2009,P.45)

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