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Bangladesh and Agricultural Sector


Submitted By arian11
Words 15501
Pages 63
Summer Internships 2010 PGDM 2009-11

Summer Internship Project Report
On “Brand Promotion” & “Market Research”
Undertaken at

Prepared by: RUPESH KUMAR
PGDM (09-11/43)

Company Guide: MANISH SAHAI
(MDM Patna)

Faculty Guide: Prof. RAJESH AGRAWAL

(CE Patna)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2010 Company Feedback Format
(To be provided on Company Letterhead)

Dear Sir,

On behalf of IILM-CMS, we would like to thank you for giving Mr. ............................... an opportunity to learn under your guidance as a part of Summer Internship Program. We are sure that Mr. RUPESH KUMAR (PGDM-09-43) has lived up to your expectations.

We request you to spare a few more minutes and provide us with a formal feedback regarding the candidates conduct and performance as per your interaction with him so as to enable us to focus on further development of the candidate based on your inputs.

Thanks in Anticipation.

For: Career Management Centre, IILM College of Management Studies, Greater Noida.


Company Feedback Format
(To be provided on Company Letterhead) Company: LUMBINI BEVERAGE PVT.LTD. Location: Hajipur Industrial Area Intern Name: Mr. RUPESH KUMAR(PGDM-09-43) Internship Commencement Date: 15/04/2010 Internship Completion Date: 15/06/2010

Evaluation Parameter

Rating(out of 10 on each parameter)

Knowledge & Content

Knowledge of Industry Practical Application of Knowledge Learning on the Job Ability to grasp new Idea

Communication Skills

Interpersonal Skills Writing Skills Presentation Skills


Ability to put in hard work Attendance/Reliability/ Dependability Team Spirit Receptibility


Supervisory Skills Target Achievement Employability



Assessor’s Name : MANISH SAHAY Designation with Seal :MDM,

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Economic Contribution of Women in Bangladesh

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