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Benchmark Assessment


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Healing hospitals promoting Spirituality
Brittany Henson
Grand Canyon University-HLT310-V
June 7, 2015

There are many healing hospitals in the United States. The goal or mission of a healing hospital is to ensure the patients are safe and comfortable, and creates an environment to remind the staff of why they chose a career in the health care field. It is important for the healthcare providers to be able to provide holistic care to all patients at all times. This type of care ensures that the patient needs are being met. Having a healing environment is vital to patient outcome and treatment. True healing environments are constructed in ways that help patients and families cope with the stresses of illness (Eberest, 2008, pg.77). In order to promote healing a hospital has to have a quiet environment so the patients can an adequate amount of sleep. During sleep cells regenerate and therefore promote healing in the body. Also having a healing environment means being free from excess noise in the facility. A noisy environment may cause a patient to be fearful and have an increase in anxiety. It is important for staff to communicate using indoor- voices so patient are able to get adequate rest.
Integrating work design and technology in a healing hospital is significant because it contributes to patients having individualized care. Healing hospitals promote work design and technology to increase patient confidentiality. “A good healing hospital offers highly technical advancement, but it able to integrate the technology into a caring environment delivered by a compassionate staff (Eberest, 2008, pg. 78). One of the challenges in creating a healing environment is not having enough funds to pay for the material necessary to create this environment. Providing a healing environment causes an increase in technology and on-site training with the staff perhaps

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