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Best Business Research Papers


Submitted By Kalesh
Words 31372
Pages 126
Bachelor of Commerce Best Business Research Papers | September 2008 | Volume 1

Faculty of Business
University of Victoria, BSS Office, Room 283
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Phone (250) 472-4728 Fax (250) 721-7066 |

Seeing new horizons.

September 2008 | Volume 1

Bachelor of Commerce
Best Business Research Papers

Bachelor of Commerce Best Business
Research Papers
Volume 1, September 2008

Table of Contents
Anthony Goerzen


Eric Brewis


Kailee Douglas


Amanda Louie


Garret Luu


Simran Mann


Matthew R. Tanner


James Whyte


Note from the Editor
In business today, “globalization” is a key concept with the firms across nations intertwined as never before. With overseas customers, suppliers, operations, and competitors, today’s managers need an international outlook. Therefore, the mission of the University of Victoria’s
Bachelor of Commerce program is to give students the essential knowledge and skills they need to be effective and successful managers in the global economy.
At UVic Business, we ensure that our students develop an international perspective through direct experience with issues in management and organization. In fact, UVic Business has one of the largest international exchange programs in Canada with 55 active partnerships

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