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British Colonialization Of African Americans Essay

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After a long way across the desert, the group of men finally saw a village. The group had come up many plans for these black people. The leader of the group walked up to man working on his crops and asked questions. A young British man, who was part of the group have heard these strange people on this country. He heard they were savages and they are polytheism people. He’s hoping that he can share his belief and show they should be civilized people like him. Similarly, the European men were probably had these thoughts. Due to the fact that had these thoughts, they have caused changes. The British colonialization invaded Africa and has caused the African to suffer by destroying their beliefs, treating them in a inhuman way, and made their culture ton fade away.
When the British came to Africa, they brought their religion, Christianity, destroying the Africa’s belief. They brought their belief to the indigenous people and told them the “truth” about God. A man was telling an elder, “There are no other …show more content…
There is always be something to change once in a while. The arrival of the white men came “once a thousand years breaking a new course changing its way to the ocean”(Sandburg Source #3). The Africans started to forget their tranditional ceremonies and their ways of interaction with their gods. The white men are the “new course”, changing the African’s ocean. Not everything will remain the same forever. The British broke the cycle. For the Africans, the white men are like “words wrapped around your tongue today and broken to shape of thought” (Sandburg source #3). Like a language, new people bring their language to another language, causing changes. The Africans thought about the British’s belief and some began to switch beliefs, adding it to their lives. The African started to forget their culture and they began to use the white men’s ideas and

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