Premium Essay

Bubonic Plague


Submitted By marcopico98
Words 1281
Pages 6
The most serious dietary issue affecting today’s American children is obesity – the result of eating more food than is needed. Childhood obesity in the United States has doubled in the last ten years (Cohen). Overweight rates are increasing day by day a major cause of which is the advertising and marketing by fast food companies on television in schools. Today television advertising is filled with fast food i.e. soft drinks, burgers, pizzas etc. Fast food marketers have long known that children make attractive customers but attention to this group and to younger and younger members within it is increasing sharply. The pressure of advertising messages by the fast food companies reaches even the youngest child. 44% of the advertisements on the Saturday morning television are for foods with limited nutritional value. McDonalds, burger king and pizza hut account for 11% of these advertisements. (Cohen) To reach young children advertisers use a variety of methods, advertising on television and the Internet is just one of them. The amount of money spent on marketing directed to children and their parents rose from $6.9 billion in 1992 to $12.7 billion in 1997 (Nestle 179). Advertising must be controlled if we want to control the increasing overweight rates in the nation.

Advertising is not only limited to television or the Internet its goes beyond them. Food companies such as McDonalds put their logos, symbols on toys games and other supplies. They also distribute coupons. McDonalds offers cups, toys and other labeled items and its does so in outlets throughout the world. Coco-cola puts its labels on various goods such as a coco-cola picnic Barbie doll. Toys like this convert children into soft-drink consumers as well as advertisers of the product. Children love such items and fast food companies reinforce such desires.

Not all families own television sets or have an

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