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Business Plan


Submitted By tanita
Words 3013
Pages 13

Societatea cu Răspundere Limitată “ALLEGRETO”
Or. Chisinau, Republica Moldova


Directorul S.R.L. „Allegreto”
Domnisoara Mescoi Nadejda

Denumirea Societăţii: Societate cu Răspundere Limitată “Allegreto”
Adresa: or.Chisinau,str.Sarmizegetusa 48, of.48
Data fondării: 23 ianuarie 2013
Nr. înregistrare / cod fiscal: 1000902852450
Statutul juridic: Societate cu Răspundere Limitată
Numele Directorului: MESCOI NADEJDA

I. SUMAR EXECUTIV......................................................................................................................
II. Descrierea afacerii........................................................................................................................
III. Personalul firmei..........................................................................................................................
IV. Descrierea produselor.................................................................................................................
V. ANALIZA PIEŢEI.......................................................................................................................
VI. Planul de marketing....................................................................................................................
VII. ACTIVITATEA OPERAŢIONALĂ.......................................................................................
VIIi. finanţarea proiectului investiţional......................................................................................... ix. previziuni financiare..................................................................................................................
X. Analiza mediului economic.........................................................................................................


S.R.L. „ALLEGRETO” a fost fondată la 23 ianuarie 2013 şi este înregistrată ca plătitor de taxă pevaloarea adăugată. Întreprinderea activează în or. Chisinau, str. Sarmizegetusa 48, of. 48. Mărimea capitalului socialal al Societăţii constituie suma de 100000 lei. Societatea este o întreprindere specializată în comercializarea ceasurilor.


S.R.L. „ALLEGRETO” a fost fondată la 23 ianuarie 2013 şi este înregistrată ca plătitor de taxă pevaloarea adăugată. Întreprinderea activează în or. Chisinau, str. Sarmizegetusa 48, of. 48. Mărimea capitalului socialal al Societăţii constituie suma de 100000 lei. Societatea este o întreprindere specializată în comercializarea ceasurilor.
S.R.L. „ALLEGRETO” a fost fondată de către cinci fondatori. Informaţiile referitor la cotele de participare a fondatorilor sunt prezentate mai jos:

Numele,prenumele | Funcţia | Cota de participare% | Mescoi Nadejda | Director | 20 | Sprincean Ala | Contabil – sef | 20 | Talmazan EcaterinA | Sef pe departamentul Maketing | 20 | Odagiu Catalina | Sef pe departamentul Resurse Umane | 20 | Nofit Andrei | Sef pe departamentul Achizitii si vinzari | 20 | TOTAL | | 100 |

Directorul S.R.L. „ALLEGRETO”, Meșcoi Nadejda deţine funcţia de Director din momentul fondării Societăţii. Experienţa şi cunoştinţele au contribuit la succesul Societăţii. Societatea doreşte să obţină cea mai bună imagine pe piaţa naţională a comercializării ceasurilor” deja în anul 2013 doreşte să sporească veniturile de vânzări,prin a-şi diversifica şi mări stocul de mărfuri pentru comercializarea lor la nivel naţional.

Mediul concurenţial
În prezent, pe piaţa păstrării şi comercializării ceasurilor. In orasul Chisinau sunt puţini agenţi economici, care au acest gen de activitate.

Misiunea companiei
S.R.L. “ALLEGRETO” activează pentru a satisface cerinţa de business a pieţei în comercializarea ceasurilor pentru potenţialii clienţi. Societatea tinde să obţină cea mai bună imagine pe piaţa naţională şi cea externă în ceea ce priveşte comercializarea ceasurilor.

Misiunea de bază a Societăţii
Comercializarea ceasurilor la preţuri avantajoase conform cererii şi ofertei pe piaţa internă şi externă.

Filozofia de business a Societăţii
Filozofia de business este de a dezvolta afacerea combinând experienţa şi dorinţa de a fi eficienţi în business, fiind oneşti cu personalul angajat şi receptivi la schimbările pieţei pentru a crea cel mai înalt grad de satisfacere pentru potenţialii clienţi.

Viziune asupra viitorului Societăţii S.R.L. “ALLEGRETO” va avea un viitor de succes,datorită experienţei echipei şi planificării minuţioase a: scopurilor, pieţei ţintă, politicii de produs, preţ, promovare şi distribuţie. Cercetările prealabile ale pieţei demonstrează că piaţa va fi receptivă la businessul de păstrare şi comercializarea ceasurilor. Compania intenţionează să-l dezvolte. Stilul de management flexibil, progresiv şi energic, cît şi entuziasmul angajaţilor vor stimula dezvoltarea planificată a Societăţii.

F.E ”Allegreto’’ îşi propune principalele obiective :
Pe termen scurt (anul curent - 2013): * Satisfacerea cererii pe măsura manifestării acesteia,în funcţie de semnalul pieţii din aval (pentru că vinzi ce ai produs dar vei mai produce ce se cere mai ales ce sa vîndut). * Reducerea costului ,dar nu prin diminuarea calităţii. * Creşterea flexibilităţii producţiei (prin standartizări ale reperelor şi operaţiilor),pentru adoptarea rapidă la condiţiile mediului; * Creşterea calităţii producţiei ,adică producerea unor bunuri şi servicii superioare celor de pe piaţă ,dupa opinia pieţii; Reducerea timpului de livrare şi deci diminuarea stocului; * Asigurarea concordanţei între obiectivele întreprinderii şi aspiraţiile personalului. * Înregistrarea mărcii comerciale ale Societăţii. * Selectarea şi conlucrarea cu potenţialii furnizori de materie primă şi potenţialii clienţi. * Instruirea adecvată a personalului tehnic în ceea ce priveşte procesul tehnologic. * Dezvoltarea unei campanii publicitare adecvate scopurilor de dezvoltare a Societăţii.

Pe perioadă îndelungată (în următorii cinci ani):

* Îmbunătăţirea calităţii serviciilor prestate de Societate. * Mărirea suprafeţelor agricoler. * Participarea anuală la expoziţie pentru promovarea serviciilor şi imaginii Societăţii. * Promovarea şi publicitatea continuă a mărfurilor şi serviciilor Societăţii. * Penetrarea comercializării mărfurilor şi serviciilor Societăţii pe noi pieţe convenabile. * Stabilizarea economică şi organizaţională a întreprinderii.

Principalele forme de activitate: * Comercializarea ceasurilor. * Va derula activităţi de informare ,privind realizarea ceasurilor. * Va colabora cu alte firme naţionale şi internaţionale.

III. PERSONALUL FIRMEI În prezent S.R.L. „Allegreto” are angajaţi 15 lucrători. Personalul Societăţii este constituit în strictă corespundere cu genurile de activitate pe care le practică Societatea. Salarizarea personalului administrativ se efectuează în regie. Personalul administrativ este remunerat conform salariului funcţional lunar stabilit.

Lista salariului angajaţilor F.E. "Allegreto " S.R.L. | Nr. d/o | Nume | Prenume | Salariul brut | Frecvența % | Suma veniturilor din care se calculează | Scutirea | Contribuţii la asigurări medicale | Contribuţii la asigurări sociale | Impozitul pe venit | Salariul net | 1 | Burduniuc | Cătălina | 1 000,00 | 100 | 1 000,00 | 760,00 | 35,00 | 60,00 | 10,15 | 894,85 | 2 | Caracaş | Valeria | 700,00 | 100 | 700,00 | 760,00 | 24,50 | 42,00 | -8,86 | 642,36 | 3 | Covali | Eugenia | 700,00 | 100 | 700,00 | 760,00 | 24,50 | 42,00 | -8,86 | 642,36 | 4 | Faureanu | Stela | 700,00 | 100 | 700,00 | 760,00 | 24,50 | 42,00 | -8,86 | 642,36 | 5 | Lotcă | Irina | 1 000,00 | 100 | 1 000,00 | 760,00 | 35,00 | 60,00 | 10,15 | 894,85 | 6 | Lujan | Victoria | 700,00 | 100 | 700,00 | 760,00 | 24,50 | 42,00 | -8,86 | 642,36 | 7 | Meșcoi | Nadejda | 1 500,00 | 100 | 1 500,00 | 760,00 | 52,50 | 90,00 | 41,83 | 1 315,68 | 8 | Nani | Serghei | 700,00 | 100 | 700,00 | 760,00 | 24,50 | 42,00 | -8,86 | 642,36 | 9 | Nazarii | Ion | 700,00 | 100 | 700,00 | 760,00 | 24,50 | 42,00 | -8,86 | 642,36 | 10 | Nofit | Andrei | 1 000,00 | 100 | 1 000,00 | 760,00 | 35,00 | 60,00 | 10,15 | 894,85 | 11 | Nederiță | Serafima | 700,00 | 100 | 700,00 | 760,00 | 24,50 | 42,00 | -8,86 | 642,36 | 12 | Odagiu | Cătălina | 1 000,00 | 100 | 1 000,00 | 760,00 | 35,00 | 60,00 | 10,15 | 894,85 | 13 | Racoveț | Olga | 700,00 | 50 | 350,00 | 760,00 | 12,25 | 21,00 | -31,03 | 347,78 | 14 | Rudaca | Diana | 700,00 | 75 | 525,00 | 760,00 | 18,38 | 31,50 | -19,94 | 495,07 | 15 | Sprincean | Ala | 1 000,00 | 100 | 1 000,00 | 760,00 | 35,00 | 60,00 | 10,15 | 894,85 | 16 | Tricolici | Daria | 700,00 | 75 | 525,00 | 760,00 | 18,38 | 31,50 | -19,94 | 495,07 | | Total | | 13 500,00 | | 12 800,00 | | 448,00 | 768,00 | (40,32) | 11 624,32 |

Structura Organizatorica a FE

Organigrama F.E. “Allegreto” S.R.L.

Componenţa personalului şi planificarea fondului anual de remunerare

IV. DESCRIEREA PRODUSELOR | | | | | | | | F.E "Allegreto" S.R.L | | | | | perioada 13.01.13 - 31.12.13 | | | | | Price list | | | N/o | Cod | Numele produsului | Preţ fară TVA | TVA | Preţ cu TVA | ceasuri clasice | 1 | 1000 | Ceas clasic Magic World | 100,00 | 20,00 | 120 | 2 | 1001 | Ceas clasic CLASIC OFFICE | 83,33 | 16,67 | 100 | 3 | 1002 | Ceas clasic BIROU | 66,67 | 13,33 | 80 | 4 | 1003 | Ceas clasic RED-WHITE | 116,67 | 23,33 | 140 | 5 | 1004 | Ceas clasic OFFICE | 58,33 | 11,67 | 70 | 6 | 1005 | Ceas clasic BLACK | 75,00 | 15 | 90 | 7 | 1006 | Ceas clasic NOW | 83,33 | 16,67 | 100 | 8 | 1007 | Ceas clasic ALLEGRETO | 91,67 | 18,33 | 110 | 9 | 1008 | Ceas clasic APECAN GROVEA | 62,50 | 12,5 | 75 | 10 | 1009 | Ceas clasic SECONDS | 108,33 | 21,67 | 130 | 11 | 1010 | Ceas clasic RUN | 79,17 | 15,83 | 95 | 12 | 1011 | Ceas clasic PATRAT | 87,50 | 17,5 | 105 | Ceasuri RETRO-VINTAGE | 13 | 1200 | Ceasuri retro-vintage ALLEGRO | 208,33 | 41,67 | 250 | 14 | 1201 | Ceasuri retro-vintage RETRO | 166,67 | 33,33 | 200 | 15 | 1202 | Ceasuri retro-vintage GREGOIRE | 208,33 | 41,67 | 250 | 16 | 1203 | Ceasuri retro-vintage AGED ELEGANCE | 250,00 | 50 | 300 | 17 | 1204 | Ceasuri retro-vintage ROSES | 75,00 | 15 | 90 | 18 | 1205 | Ceasuri retro-vintage JACK DANIELS | 166,67 | 33,33 | 200 | 19 | 1206 | Ceasuri retro-vintage LASCELLES | 125,00 | 25 | 150 | 20 | 1207 | Ceasuri retro-vintage CAFFE | 141,67 | 28,33 | 170 | 21 | 1208 | Ceasuri retro-vintage MIRAGE | 116,67 | 23,33 | 140 | 22 | 1209 | Ceasuri retro-vintage EPOCA | 158,33 | 31,67 | 190 | 23 | 1210 | Ceasuri retro-vintage FAMILY | 83,33 | 16,67 | 100 | 24 | 1211 | Ceasuri retro-vintage LONDON | 233,33 | 46,67 | 280 | 25 | 1212 | Ceasuri retro-vintage RED DOWN | 83,33 | 16,67 | 100 | 26 | 1213 | Ceasuri retro-vintage LES COQELICOTS | 58,33 | 11,67 | 70 | 27 | 1214 | Ceasuri retro-vintage CARTE POSTALE | 154,17 | 30,83 | 185 | | Ceasuri handmade | 28 | 1300 | Ceasuri handmade FLUTURI | 1083,33 | 216,7 | 1300 | 29 | 1301 | Ceasuri handmade FOREST | 108,33 | 21,67 | 130 | 30 | 1302 | Ceasuri handmade FLORI ROSII | 133,33 | 26,67 | 160 | 31 | 1303 | Ceasuri handmade LOVE VINTAGE | 141,67 | 28,33 | 170 | 32 | 1304 | Ceasuri handmade FIN FLOWER | 183,33 | 36,67 | 220 | 33 | 1305 | Ceasuri handmade BEATLES | 129,17 | 25,83 | 155 | 34 | 1306 | Ceasuri handmade HURTS | 116,67 | 23,33 | 140 | 35 | 1307 | Ceasuri handmade DOMINO | 125,00 | 25 | 150 | 36 | 1308 | Ceasuri handmade ONE TWO THREE | 112,50 | 22,5 | 135 | 37 | 1309 | Ceasuri handmade BLACK WOMAN | 145,83 | 29,17 | 175 | 38 | 1310 | Ceasuri handmade GOSPODINA | 108,33 | 21,67 | 130 | 39 | 1311 | Ceasuri handmade LATE | 116,67 | 23,33 | 140 | 40 | 1312 | Ceasuri handmade FANTASY | 150,00 | 30 | 180 | 41 | 1313 | Ceasuri handmade FLORI DE MASA | 200,00 | 40 | 240 | 42 | 1314 | Ceasuri handmade LAVANDA | 175,00 | 35 | 210 | 43 | 1315 | Ceasuri handmade ROZE | 183,33 | 36,67 | 220 | 44 | 1316 | Ceasuri handmade FLOAREA SOARELUI | 166,67 | 33,33 | 200 | 45 | 1317 | Ceasuri handmade NUNTA | 225,00 | 45 | 270 | 46 | 1318 | Ceasuri handmade LALELE | 208,33 | 41,67 | 250 | 47 | 1319 | Ceasuri handmade 5 FLUTURI | 241,67 | 48,33 | 290 | 48 | 1320 | Ceasuri handmade SARPE | 66,67 | 13,33 | 80 | 49 | 1321 | Ceasuri handmade MELC | 79,17 | 15,83 | 95 | 50 | 1322 | Ceasuri handmade 2 PISICI | 70,83 | 14,17 | 85 | 51 | 1323 | Ceasuri handmade LIBELULA | 225,00 | 45 | 270 | 52 | 1324 | Ceasuri handmade PARIS | 83,33 | 16,67 | 100 | N/o | Cod | Numele produsului | Preţ fară TVA | TVA | Preţ cu TVA | 53 | 1325 | Ceasuri handmade BUFNITA | 66,67 | 13,33 | 80 | 54 | 1326 | Ceasuri handmade LAZURA | 166,67 | 33,33 | 200 | 55 | 1327 | Ceasuri handmade PORUMBEI | 216,67 | 43,33 | 260 | 56 | 1328 | Ceasuri handmade MELC 2 | 66,67 | 13,33 | 80 | 57 | 1329 | Ceasuri handmade ELEFANT | 70,83 | 14,17 | 85 | Ceasuri de perete pentru copii | 58 | 1400 | ceasuri pentru copii ELEPHANT | 50,00 | 10 | 60 | 59 | 1401 | ceasuri pentru copii MUSIC | 83,33 | 16,67 | 100 | 60 | 1402 | ceasuri pentru copii MAR MAGIC | 150,00 | 30 | 180 | 61 | 1403 | ceasuri pentru copii SUMMER | 104,17 | 20,83 | 125 | 62 | 1404 | ceasuri pentru copii SPY | 533,33 | 106,7 | 640 | 63 | 1405 | ceasuri pentru copii FAMILY AND FRIENDS | 258,33 | 51,67 | 310 | 64 | 1406 | ceasuri pentru copii MIKI MOUSE | 62,50 | 12,5 | 75 | 65 | 1407 | ceasuri pentru copii BABY | 66,67 | 13,33 | 80 | 66 | 1408 | ceasuri pentru copii LORD | 116,67 | 23,33 | 140 | 67 | 1409 | ceasuri pentru copii STAR WARS | 137,50 | 27,5 | 165 | 68 | 1410 | ceasuri pentru copii ANGEL | 54,17 | 10,83 | 65 | 69 | 1411 | ceasuri pentru copii SPIDER MAN | 116,67 | 23,33 | 140 | 70 | 1412 | ceasuri pentru copii VINI PUH | 120,83 | 24,17 | 145 | 71 | 1413 | ceasuri pentru copii HELLO KITTY | 129,17 | 25,83 | 155 | 72 | 1414 | ceasuri pentru copii LEDY | 125,00 | 25 | 150 | 73 | 1415 | ceasuri pentru copii SUN | 83,33 | 16,67 | 100 | 74 | 1416 | ceasuri pentru copii FLOARE SMILE | 87,50 | 17,5 | 105 | 75 | 1417 | ceasuri pentru copii PUH VINI | 91,67 | 18,33 | 110 | 76 | 1418 | ceasuri pentru copii PERLA | 104,17 | 20,83 | 125 | 77 | 1419 | ceasuri pentru copii HURTS | 104,17 | 20,83 | 125 | 78 | 1420 | ceasuri pentru copii CIINE | 62,50 | 12,5 | 75 | 79 | 1421 | ceasuri pentru copii CIUPERCA | 62,50 | 12,5 | 75 | 80 | 1422 | ceasuri pentru copii BABY SISTER | 50,00 | 10 | 60 | 81 | 1423 | ceasuri pentru copii 903 | 50,00 | 10 | 60 | 82 | 1424 | ceasuri pentru copii SHEEP | 87,50 | 17,5 | 105 | 83 | 1425 | ceasuri pentru copii CHICKEN | 87,50 | 17,5 | 105 | 84 | 1426 | ceasuri pentru copii MONKEY | 87,50 | 17,5 | 105 | 85 | 1427 | ceasuri pentru copii PIG | 87,50 | 17,5 | 105 | Clepsidre | 86 | 1500 | clepsidre | 208,33 | 41,67 | 250 | 87 | 1501 | clepsidre | 291,67 | 58,33 | 350 | 88 | 1502 | clepsidre | 166,67 | 33,33 | 200 | 89 | 1503 | clepsidre | 333,33 | 66,67 | 400 | 90 | 1504 | clepsidre | 208,33 | 41,67 | 250 | 91 | 1505 | clepsidre | 150,00 | 30 | 180 | Ceasuri de perete din ceramică | 92 | 1600 | ceasuri din ceramica CLOSE | 125,00 | 25 | 150 | 93 | 1601 | ceasuri din ceramica NEXT | 129,17 | 25,83 | 155 | 94 | 1602 | ceasuri din ceramica LUMINA | 120,83 | 24,17 | 145 | 95 | 1603 | ceasuri din ceramica LAMPA | 133,33 | 26,67 | 160 | 96 | 1604 | ceasuri din ceramica FLY | 137,50 | 27,5 | 165 | 97 | 1605 | ceasuri din ceramica SUR | 141,67 | 28,33 | 170 | 98 | 1606 | ceasuri din ceramica CRAZY | 145,83 | 29,17 | 175 | 99 | 1607 | ceasuri din ceramica ZODII | 133,33 | 26,67 | 160 | 100 | 1608 | ceasuri din ceramica RED | 104,17 | 20,83 | 125 | 101 | 1609 | ceasuri din ceramica BERJ | 95,83 | 19,17 | 115 | 102 | 1610 | ceasuri din ceramica LAZY | 100,00 | 20 | 120 | 103 | 1611 | ceasuri din ceramica CERC MAGIC | 112,50 | 22,5 | 135 | 104 | 1612 | ceasuri din ceramica NORMENE | 104,17 | 20,83 | 125 | 105 | 1613 | ceasuri din ceramica CERAM | 91,67 | 18,33 | 110 | 106 | 1614 | ceasuri din ceramica OSMY | 116,67 | 23,33 | 140 | 107 | 1615 | ceasuri din ceramica BERNARD | 120,83 | 24,17 | 145 | 108 | 1616 | ceasuri din ceramica BLUE | 108,33 | 21,67 | 130 | N/o | Cod | Numele produsului | Preţ fară TVA | TVA | Preţ cu TVA | 109 | 1617 | ceasuri din ceramica LUMINA | 125,00 | 25 | 150 | 110 | 1618 | ceasuri din ceramica SEJUR | 137,50 | 27,5 | 165 | 111 | 1619 | ceasuri din ceramica LEMN | 291,67 | 58,33 | 350 | 112 | 1620 | ceasuri din ceramica ROMB | 170,83 | 34,17 | 205 | 113 | 1621 | ceasuri din ceramica STRAZY | 150,00 | 30 | 180 | 114 | 1622 | ceasuri din ceramica CLAS 1 | 162,50 | 32,5 | 195 | 115 | 1623 | ceasuri din ceramica BEJ | 183,33 | 36,67 | 220 | 116 | 1624 | ceasuri din ceramica 2 IN 1 | 250,00 | 50 | 300 | 117 | 1625 | ceasuri din ceramica EGAL | 150,00 | 30 | 180 | 118 | 1626 | ceasuri din ceramica BEAUTY | 187,50 | 37,5 | 225 | 119 | 1627 | ceasuri din ceramica FINISH | 208,33 | 41,67 | 250 | Ceasuri de perete cu pendul | 120 | 1100 | ceasuri cu pendul CLAS A | 175,00 | 35 | 210 | 121 | 1101 | ceasuri cu pendul ATMOSFERA | 375,00 | 75 | 450 | 122 | 1102 | ceasuri cu pendul STIL | 500,00 | 100 | 600 | 123 | 1103 | ceasuri cu pendul HOUSE | 675,00 | 135 | 810 | 124 | 1104 | ceasuri cu pendul FLOVERS | 333,33 | 66,67 | 400 | 125 | 1105 | ceasuri cu pendul GLOBUS | 316,67 | 63,33 | 380 |

În prezent piaţa comercializării ceasurilor cunoaşte o dezvoltarea în creştere şi această tendinţă se va menţine pentru o perioadă îndelungată. Existenţa pieţei, cererii sporite şi mediul concurenţial favorabil i-a permis Societăţii să-şi focuseze eforturile spre implementarea în viaţă a acestei afacere .
Piaţa ţintă a S.R.L. „ALLEGRETO” în ceea ce priveşte comercializarea ceasurilor constitui:
exportul ceasurilor peste hotarele ţării (preponderent);
comercializarea ceasurilor în or. Chişinău şi teritoriul republicii.
Potenţialii clienţi ai ceasurilor pot fi grupaţi în două categorii: (i) clienţi majori - vor fi toate întreprinderile de comerţ autohtone şi străine şi (ii) clienţi mici – gospodăriile casnice, şcoli, grădiniţe, etc.
Cercetările prealabile ale pieţei demonstrează că piaţa va fi receptivă la businessul de producere şi comercializare ceasurilor pe care Compania intenţionează să-l dezvolte. Stilul de management flexibil, progresiv şi energic, cît şi entuziasmul angajaţilor vor stimula dezvoltarea planificată a Societăţii.

S.R.L. “ALLEGRETO” va avea un viitor de succes, datorită experienţei echipei şi planificării minuţioase a: scopurilor, pieţei ţintă, politicii de produs, preţ, promovare şi distribuţie.

Politica preţurilor Politica de preţuri a Societăţii se bazează pe principiul: preţuri competitive - vânzări stabile. Preţurile la mărfurile şi serviciile Societăţii se stabilesc conform cererii şi ofertei pe piaţă şi costurilor de producere. Preţurile la mărfurile şi serviciile comercializate sunt stabilite în dependenţă de volumul solicitat şi modul de achitare a clientului. Societatea a adoptat o strategie flexibilă de preţ pentru clienţii permanenţi şi cei angrosişti.

Strategia de preț În conformitate cu nivelul preţurilor de pe piaţa ţintă şi analiza costurilor de achiziţie, Societatea îşi planifică o strategie a preţului şi modalităţilor de plată specifice, care constă în stabilirea unei marje de profit acceptabile de potenţialii clienţi la iniţierea activităţii, cu scopul de a atrage clienţii noi.

Principiile de activitate ale Societăţii vor fi următoarele:
(1) orientarea către cerinţele clienţilor;
(2) calitate constantă şi livrare în termenii stabiliţi;
(3) folosirea tehnologiilor moderne; (4) preţuri competitive şi accesibileconsumătorilor finali.
S.R.L. „ALLEGRETO” va oferi ceasuri, care vor avea o calitate impecabilă , ce vor satisface exigentele consumatorilor orientaţi spre un mod de viata implinit. Oferta Societăţii va fi destinată celor care caută siguranţa şi calitate ceasurile Allegreto.

În prezent Societatea dispune de mijloace fixe care îi permite pe deplin să asigure dezvoltarea neăntreruptă a procesului de producţie conform genurilor de activitate practicate.

În anul 2013 Societatea planifică un volum de vânzări în suma de 1,345,160 lei. Vânzările provin din comercializarea: fierului uzat 729,395 lei, fructe păstrate în frigider 420,000 lei, materiale de construcţie 119,164 lei, darea spaţiului în arendă 14,400 lei şi alte mărfuri 26,053 lei.
Planul vânzărilor pentru anii 2007-2010 este determinat conform necesităţilor în mărfuri şi servicii, pentru care există o cerere garantată.
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Business Plan

...BUSINESS PLAN OF NEW VENTURE 1.What is a Busines Plan? * A written document that serves as a blueprint and guide for a proposed business project that one intends to undertake; 2. What are the purposes of a Business Plan? * To allow the entrepreneurs to view and evaluate the proposed business venture in an objective, critical and practical manner; * To analyse and evaluate the viability of a proposed venture * As a guideline for managing the business * To allocate business resources effectively * To convince relevant parties of the investmet potential of the project 3. Components of a Business Plan What comprises of a Business Plan of a Proposed Business: It consists of the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Purpose 3. Company background 4. Owner/Partners background 5. Location of the business 6. Administratiove plan 7. Marketing plan 8. Operations plan 9. Financial plan 10. Conclusion 1. INTRODUCTION SECTION includes: a. Name of the company b. Nature of business c. Industry profile d. Location of the business e. Date of business commencement f. Factors in selecting the proposed business g. Future prospects of the business 2. PURPOSE Every Business Plan is prepared with a particular purpose. Or as a guide for the entrepreneur to manage the business. Eg. This business plan is prepared by Riverside Thai Food Restaurant as a guideline for managing the proposed...

Words: 1149 - Pages: 5

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Business Plan

...20 Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan Categories: * Business Planning 1. To prove that you’re serious about your business. A formal business plan is necessary to show all interested parties -- employees, investors, partners and yourself -- that you are committed to building the business. 2. To establish business milestones. The business plan should clearly lay out the long-term milestones that are most important to the success of your business. To paraphrase Guy Kawasaki, a milestone is something significant enough to come home and tell your spouse about (without boring him or her to death). Would you tell your spouse that you tweaked the company brochure? Probably not. But you'd certainly share the news that you launched your new website or reached $1M in annual revenues. 3. To better understand your competition. Creating the business plan forces you to analyze the competition. All companies have competition in the form of either direct or indirect competitors, and it is critical to understand your company's competitive advantages. 4. To better understand your customer. Why do they buy when they buy? Why don’t they when they don't? An in-depth customer analysis is essential to an effective business plan and to a successful business. 5. To enunciate previously unstated assumptions. The process of actually writing the business plan helps to bring previously "hidden" assumptions to the foreground. By writing them down and assessing them, you can test them and...

Words: 921 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Business Plan

...A good business plan business planning is well expressed as a general evaluation of an investor’s financial state is it current or an analysis to the future. These decisions can be based on individual or group that is looking for an expansion or establishing of a business that is already existing. Since funds play a greater role in the expansion, good steps on the way to handle the available funds are essential. Shan company will engage in a stiff competition if it plans to go overseas, the slope of this competition will generally depend on the available financial aid and the overall expenditure to keep the firm’s survival in the long run, these decisions play a greater role in the clinching of the ever available market in the states. The use of cash flows, current variables that are already known and asset values can be well applied in the process of building a strong financial decision. In the process of determining future certainty, many businesses tend to rely on the extrapolated asset values; this will tend to determine if the business has funds to sustain it in the long run. Through a comprehensive status many businesses can end up evading financial obligations, this will help in the generation of profits and maintain a positive pillar in its solvent status. There are various ways that a company can increase its overall revenue.  The most common way for a public performing company is through shares or in the form of stock and bonds.  Bonds allow a company to take loans...

Words: 2163 - Pages: 9

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Business Plan

...Business Plan Projects The Royal Project Foundation is aimed to promote agricultural production on the highlands in order to reduce opium production and help developing overall welfare of the highland communities. As parts of the Royal Project Foundation’s work, new processed food products are continuously developed from raw materials and ingredients produced by farmers and hill tribes to help distribute excess supplies to and increase demands of agricultural products in the market. With assistant from professors and experts from various universities and private sectors, by-products / processed products are researched and produced with high-quality standard as well as safety concern for consumers, and according to safety and standards of the Thai FDA regulations. With the brand of the Royal Project, it already has competitive advantage over competitors. However, these products have still not yet formulated any business plan and the stories have not been communicated widely enough to end-consumers. Also, it is essential to guarantee to the farmers the production volume in order for them to plan the agricultural production in advance (usually a year ahead). With the business plan, it would give a clear direction for any future decision making on these products. The required business plan should involve the areas from Product Design, Feasibility Studies, Costing & Financial Projection, Launch Plan and Implementations. The followings are the products for BBA students to select...

Words: 325 - Pages: 2

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Business Plan

...Business Plan Carlos Islas Jesica Islas Partners Islas 314 Inc 73 Jackson St Suite 3N Yonkers, NY 10701 347-645-9001 914-751-8342 I. Table of Contents I. Table of Contents 2 II. Executive Summary 3 III. General Company Description 4 IV. Products and Services 6 V. Marketing Plan 7 VI. Management and Organization 10 VII.Personal Financial Statement 11 VIII.Startup Expenses and Capitalization 13 IX. Appendices 15 II. Executive Summary Islas 314 Inc is a construction company. Our product or service will be remodeling houses or business, fixing small damages in apartments or elsewhere, and constructing houses or apartments from scratch. Our customers will basically be all homeowners, or business owners or even landlords. In a near future we are planning to apply to get into the city system, so we could be one of their construction contacts, and have periodical jobs with the public business. This will help us to maintain a good reputation among other private clients. The owners are Mr. Carlos Islas and his daughter Ms. Jesica Islas, the both share the same amount of responsibilities in different aspects of the business. Due to the seniority the one that has more power in the company is Mr. Carlos Islas, but he is not able to take financial decisions without having Ms. Islas approval. Every year the numbers of small construction companies are declining...

Words: 2460 - Pages: 10

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Business Plan

...BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2014 Arrivals Check: * All reservations from now until the end of the year checked before the end of February * All cancelled booking entered into new tab in database document * Ongoing arrivals check programme to be implemented from March 2014 in the most time effective manner Current Database: * 800 contact details from guests who stayed Nov 2012 – March 2013 * 200 contact email addresses from website * 800 contact details from guests who stayed Nov 2013 – February 2014 Database Targets: * Continue to put all check out bookings on to the database * Start a separate tab for cancelled bookings * 2000 additional contact details from guests who stayed May – Sept 2013 by end of March 2014 DETAILS | WHO | BY | Build a leisure database of approx. 2000 contacts | All reception team | 31 March 2014 | Build a business database of approx. 1000 contacts | All reception team | 31 March 2014 | Adding to database | All reception team | Ongoing | USING THE DATABASE: * Need to be able to edit contacts lists to avoid sending duplicate emails to contact emails * Need to be able to create lists based on segment (based on booking source) * Need to be able to gather information from database e.g. pre-paid vs. standard bookings, through our own website or OTA, length of stay etc * Market separately to cancelled bookings * Sending out a bi-annual newsletter Marketing Targets Spring...

Words: 534 - Pages: 3

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Business Plan

...Business Plan Background Jane and John had a good idea, a good sense of their market, and a good location. They were great salespeople, and yet they were not making a profit. The reason was that they did not plan their business all the way through. When you are serious about your business or when a lot of money of your own or someone else's is at stake, creating a business plan is perhaps the most critical activity you can undertake. The plan is important, but what is even more important is the understanding you get from the planning process. The following pages will help you understand the thinking behind business plans and how to make and present your own. A business plan is a document designed to detail the major characteristics of a firm--its product or service, its industry, its market, its manner of operating (production, marketing, management), and its financial outcomes with an emphasis on the firm's present and future. There are two circumstances under which creating a business plan is absolutely necessary. One is when outsiders expect it. This is called external legitimacy. Creating a business plan is the acknowledged best way to build external legitimacy for your firm. When you are seeking outside support--whether financial or expert--you do a business plan to signal your professionalism and how serious you are about the business. Investors, whether they are venture capitalists, informal investors (called angels), bankers, or your two great aunts, are going to expect...

Words: 10997 - Pages: 44

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Business Plan

...N. Williams Business Plan Case Study MGT/300 Marilyn Pike December 12, 2011 In business having a written plan is the key to the success of the business. When an individual is able to provide a proposal for the business it shows investor that they are serious about the business. The business plan will speak for the individual far better than they would be able to verbally. Kurt and John are individuals that want to launch a magazine in Eastern Europe. The business idea is a sound idea however Kurt and John are unsure if the current business plan that they have will spark the interest of any investors. Kurt and John are looking for some assistance with the business plan how they can improve the one that they currently have. Business Plan Outline When creating a business plan there a number of things that need to be included in the business plan to insure the success of business. The first thing that needs to be included is the executive summary. The summary will be an overview of the intents of the business. The executive summary basically is a short version of the business proposal. The executive summary should be informative; generally when investors look at a business plan the first thing that is read is the executive summary. Investor normally can tell from the summary if they are interested in the business. In the Kurt and John Bauer case they would need to include how they want to launch a business in Eastern Europe and the different strategies plans for an international...

Words: 1058 - Pages: 5

Free Essay

Business Plan

...20 Reasons Why You Need a Business Plan Written by Pete Kennedy Categories: * Business Planning 1. To prove that you’re serious about your business. A formal business plan is necessary to show all interested parties -- employees, investors, partners and yourself -- that you are committed to building the business. 2. To establish business milestones. The business plan should clearly lay out the long-term milestones that are most important to the success of your business. To paraphrase Guy Kawasaki, a milestone is something significant enough to come home and tell your spouse about (without boring him or her to death). Would you tell your spouse that you tweaked the company brochure? Probably not. But you'd certainly share the news that you launched your new website or reached $1M in annual revenues. 3. To better understand your competition. Creating the business plan forces you to analyze the competition. All companies have competition in the form of either direct or indirect competitors, and it is critical to understand your company's competitive advantages. 4. To better understand your customer. Why do they buy when they buy? Why don’t they when they don't? An in-depth customer analysis is essential to an effective business plan and to a successful business. 5. To enunciate previously unstated assumptions. The process of actually writing the business plan helps to bring previously "hidden" assumptions to the foreground. By writing them down and assessing...

Words: 925 - Pages: 4

Free Essay

Business Plan

...Business Plan Of Section 1 Aditya R DM16102 Ferzaad DM16117 Rashmica R DM16134 Sindhoora S DM16146 Sruthi V DM16150 Acknowledgment Our sincere gratitude goes to Dr. K. Pelly Periasamy and Mr. N. Anerudh for guiding us with valuable information and comments, and helping us make a sound business development plan. We would also like to thank everyone who has directly or indirectly supported us in completing our business development plan. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Help4Hire is an internet--enabled startup services provider which aims to service the housekeeping needs of the IT crowd in Chennai. This venture will be a partnership amongst Aditya.R, Ferzaad.M, Rashmica.R, Sindhoora.S & Sruthi V.Ramanan. The domain name will also be registered online to facilitate our business. The total capital investment would be 20, 00,000 with 25% equity and 75% debt. The main moto of our service would to provide professional, top-notch quality services at a reasonable price and gain customers’ trust. We aim to reach a client-base of 100 at the end of our first year of operation. Our Major focus will be on the affluent, upper-middle-class, dualincome, and IT employee households. The company will be based in Chennai. We will be providing a range of services with a tariff for each basic package. In case the requirement is different, we will provide a flexi-tariff to suit the needs of the client...

Words: 3508 - Pages: 15

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Business Plan

...Business Plan for a Physical Therapy Clinic Benita Hodgson HCA 311: Health Care Financing & Information Systems Instructor: Garlyn Lewis March 17, 2012 Table of Contents 1) Executive Summary 3 2) Services and Equipment 4 3) Organizational Structure 6 4) Marketing Plan 7 5) Financial Analysis 8 6) Summary 11 Business Plan for a Physical Therapy Clinic Executive Summary Living Well Physical Therapy clinic is a privately owned business with one owner. The owner has a four year degree in healthcare specializing in physical therapy rehabilitation services. The clinic has been in operation for approximately 3 years in a small building located downtown in Fayetteville North Carolina. The business has outgrown the current space and is in need of an upgrade to a bigger building, new equipment, and more therapists...

Words: 1774 - Pages: 8

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Business Growth Plan

...4.0 BUSINESS GROWTH STRATEGY 4.1 How and Why Vida Beauty Adopt This Growth Strategy First of all, growth strategy refers to an organization substantially broadens the scope of one or more of its business in terms of their respective customer group, customer functions and alternative technologies to improve its overall performance. Then, in developing growth strategies for growth firm there are two strategies which is internal growth strategy and external growth strategy. Internal strategy involves efforts taken within the firm itself. Then, for perform internal strategy they need to create new product development, other product related strategy and international expansion with the purpose of increasing sales revenue and profitability. External strategy is relying on establishing relationships with third parties such as mergers, acquisitions, strategic alliances, joint ventures, licensing and franchising. In our opinion, Vida Beauty use internal strategy to make sure that the companies become a growth firm and expansion. In internal growth strategies the distinctive attributes of internally generated growth is that a business relies on its competencies, expertise and the employee also. In addition, internally also called as “organic growth” because it does not rely on outside intervention. Organic growth is growth that comes from a company’s existing business as opposed to growth that comes from buying new business. Besides that, it also the process of business expansion due...

Words: 2618 - Pages: 11

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Business Plan Document

...TO DO: 1. Begin drafting formal business plan document 2. Primary research through a user survey on google forms 1. explain who we polled, why we did it, and what we found 1. Who is our customer (in and out) 1. age, salary, hobbies, skills, activities, schedule, location, goals, etc 1. What are our customer acquisition costs? 1. time 2. $1000 for like Bruin Plaza, flyers, trainers (for the Bruin plaza day), free snacks, apparel 1. App mock-up 2. Who are partners vs. customers (do we have both?) Updates to presentation: * More photos - high quality (get a shutterstock subscription?) * Facebook, linkedIn, googleplus accounts * Make numbers stand out * Get a logo * Beginning of presentation * Start with photo and no logo and begin to tell story * Then show a number slide that explains a problem that our market faces * Show SpotMe slide - the solution to the above problem and explain what it is * Add citations like 30001 * 1 what does the number 3000 mean, what is the source * put actual website source in appendix * Remove numbers about how much money was invested in health apps * Instead quantify the benefits of using an app like SpotMe i.e. the health benefits and compare that to how much it costs $5 * divvy up bullet points/numbers to different slides * currently there is too much text on the slides * MAKE THE BULLET POINTS MEAN SOMETHING →...

Words: 420 - Pages: 2

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Business Plan Guide Template

...Assignment 2 – Business Plan (35%) Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to apply franchising and small business knowledge to develop a business plan for a new franchise outlet for a franchise business. In either case, the business is to be started from scratch. Topic / Task You are required to produce a business plan for a start-up outlet of a franchise chain you would like to operate. Students CANNOT base their business plan on a pre-existing franchise (i.e., one which has been or is currently in operation). Students must understand that the business plan is for a franchise outlet as opposed to an independent new business. Several sample business plans from which you may draw ideas have been provided in the “assessment tab”. These Business Plans are considered exemplar plans. Please view as they may assist you in terms of structure and expectations. Please DO NOT copy any of the plans as they are recorded through the SafeAssign submission point and as such any plagiarism based on these plans or those available on the Internet will be detected. In addition, there are a number of resources available and identified (including useful websites and video clips) for students in Topic 2 (Activity 3). You should also draw upon the business planning resources available online at plus those available from other government agencies, associations and major banks. Referencing and Collaboration Referencing is expected. Assignments will be uploaded...

Words: 1046 - Pages: 5