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Camp Cooke Service Command

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The Provost Marshal General’s Office, which functioned as a staff division of the Army Service Forces, was responsible for all matters pertaining to enemy prisoners of war in the United States. However, by August 1942, a series of Army reorganizations had delegated much of its operating control to nine regional service commands of the ASF. Army posts located within these geographic areas were categorized as Class I installations and were placed under the commanding generals of service commands. Service command units, the local operating arms of each service command, carried out many of the command’s functions. For instance, at Camp Cooke, Service Command Unit 1908 of the Ninth Service Command operated the main Army post and its prisoner of war camp. The commanding officer of the POW camp reported directly to the post commander, who, in turn, answered to …show more content…
Based on a press release issued by the Army’s Ninth Service Command, the paper indicated that construction of the POW camp was already underway and would be completed by June 10, 1944. The camp opened in time for the arrival of the first German prisoners on June 16, and was officially established ten days later by the Ninth Service Command per General Order 144.

The prisoner of war camp was located at the northwest corner of Cooke at C Street between Idaho and Montana Avenues. Its design, which was fairly typical of other POW camps, consisted of a barracks section and a recreation field. The rectangular barracks section measured 450 feet by 860 feet and was slightly more than twice the size of the recreation area. Surrounding the stockade were two 10-foot high chain link fences eight feet apart with barbed wire overhangs and six guard towers outfitted with machine guns. The entire stockade resembled an inverted letter L with the toe portion representing the recreation

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