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Submitted By mattyd2420
Words 494
Pages 2
Capstone Rehearsal Guidelines
(Revised 9-27-14)
The Capstone Rehearsal is an individual simulation that enables students to compete against computer competitors as a means to sharpen their decision making skills and knowledge of the Capstone simulation.
It should be noted that the Rehearsal simulation does not include the optional TQM module that is being used in this course. This is because instructors are not given the option to include TQM functions in the rehearsal simulation.
Due to some recent updating of the user interface in the Capstone rehearsal the revised guidelines presented below are being made available.
Please note, the way the user screens for the tutorial and rehearsal may appear slightly differently depending on whether you are using the legacy view or the Beta view of Capstone. You should be able to switch from one to the other by clicking a control at the very top of your screen. If you have any questions about switching from legacy to beta view or vice versa, please call Capsim Technical Support directly at 877-477-8787.

User Operating Guidelines 1. From the main dashboard screen select button

Click on this button 2. At the bottom of the next page you will see a button

Click on this button

3. The next screen that appears will be split into left and right sides.
On the left side of the screen is a structured exercise for using the rehearsal which involves testing out any of six different tactics. This exercise is recommended, but is not a graded assignment. However, you will learn much about Capstone by doing

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