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Career Development Plan Part 2


Submitted By dlh1989purdue
Words 757
Pages 4
Career Development Plan Part III
Dana Hagood
University of Phoenix
Human Capital Management
Laurene Collins
April 26, 2010

Career Development Plan Part III Management is a word that encompasses many tasks. The particular tasks this paper is addressing will be the role of managers using a tool such as a performance appraisal to help shape the careers of future managers. Whether the manager likes it or not at least once a year he or she will need to do appraisals for the staff he or she is in direct responsibility for. Doing appraisals should be looked upon as a tool that can help all involved. Performance reviews are stressful for both managers and employees. Criticism is usually hard for the giver and the receiver. A performance appraisal needs not be stressful or critical. The tool should be looked upon as a way to improve one’s skills and career. Most individuals want to do the best job one can do therefore, by learning and improving from using the appraisal tool the sky should be the limit for the individuals involved. The appraisal form attached offers both the manager and the employee the opportunity to answer the same questions prior to the actual appointment. By giving everyone involved a voice there will be less chance for feeling unimportant and lead to the possibility of open communication between the two. The appraisal form has a section after the two come together to compare and come up with a mutual plan for success in the coming year. This particular type of appraisal method can be used for individual and teamwork type settings. When employees are hired initially with the company part of the new orientation process will include discussion of the yearly appraisal system in play. The discussion of what the appraisal review is for will address how increases in pay, bonus structures, and promotions play

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