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Career Plan


Submitted By Kidcross
Words 255
Pages 2
Anthony S. Armstrong
November 18, 2014

Reflection on the Phoenix University Career Plan
Reviewing the career plan suggestions from the University of Phoenix website did help solidify my decision to teach after college. I have a huge interest in history as well as government and cultures from around the world. One of the recommendations that arose from the career plan was teacher; something I have been doing for over 15 years now except not in an official capacity.
My teaching career first started soon after acquiring the rank of sergeant in the U.S. Army. I enjoyed the research and pulling together all the learning aids needed to make the teaching more in depth and engaging. Shortly after that my wife and I introduced our first child into the world. This change of events further instituted the art of teaching in my life. I found it ever more important to be able to arm my children with facts, a moral compass, and to question everything. I am currently teaching my oldest daughter how to research topics and how to give credible references for facts that dispute a certain claim or way of thinking. I enjoy hearing about conversations she has disproved or how she was able to change the way her friends thought about voting.
My plans after graduating with my degree are to obtain my teaching certificate through the state of Texas, and hopefully teach history to sixth graders, I am looking forward to teaching American history and/or world

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