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Carol Dweck Not Yet Persuasive Speech

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What comes to mind when you think of the two words “Not Yet”? Not much of an impact since they are nothing new to our daily conversations, right? While that might be accurate from the surface but you must think again on a deeper level to see the values that these two simple yet powerful words brings to our lives. They open up a whole world of opportunities to resolve a relevant circumstance that either seems uncompromisable or unachievable at time. As for me, I’ve found myself lost in the endless definitions of these two words to the point that I almost don’t want to define them any longer. I also discovered that trying to define is no different than putting limits on them while they are intended to be limitless. What if I told you that …show more content…
But if you get the grade “Not Yet” you understand that you’re on a learning curve. It gives you a path into the future.” (Dweck). This hypothesis of “Not Yet” was emphasized in her 2014 TED Talk presentation. In contrast, many might argue that individual’s abilities cannot be altered and that effort is deemed unsatisfactory. It can be considered a flaw if someone happens to display interest in learning something new by posing questions and this automatically sends the message to others that the particular individual is not confident or not superior at what they do. In fact that is inaccurate and that the person should be praised for their effort in bettering themselves and this is the key element in Dweck’s hypothesis. Self-confidence is one of the most desirable traits to embody and the words “Not Yet” provides exactly that. Having said that, we all want to improve and strive for our best in one form or another, but rarely that many of us can persuade ourselves into thinking that we can actually improve. This is a real struggle as believing that you can change is the first major step in the process of developing the “Yet” sensibility. Moreover, another significant role takes part in the process of developing the “Yet” sensibility is the repetition of believing in making improvements until it can be engrained into our unconvinced …show more content…
Granted, when you excel at a certain task, it exudes more interest in learning, keeps you highly motivated to more challenging circumstances and is that not what we all strive for in life? Having the proper mindset makes the world of a difference and this is precisely distinguished between optimistic and pessimistic mindsets. Similarly to a fixed mindset is also known as the pessimistic mindset. This mindset typically defined as beliefs that abilities are fixed and cannot be altered. Those particular individuals are often afraid to make mistakes as it does not make them feel confident about themselves. A study that was conducted by Carol I. Diener in 1978 noted what Dweck discovered as “Children who described their own memory or intelligence in fixed ways were much more likely to give up on a difficult pattern-identification task than otherwise-similar children who did not make such statements” (Glenn). Most people are only concerned with matters that impact them at the moment. Their minds are occupied with all of the negative thoughts due to the issues at hands. Meanwhile, growth mindset thinkers are able to escape from falling deep into the negativities and this is all possible due to the “Not Yet” sensibility that they acquired as well as believing that the outcome can still be modified. This group often do not limit themselves and they view persistence as the

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