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Case 16 the New Vice President


Submitted By daniblue
Words 2851
Pages 12
Case 16 – Part A
1. At this point, what are your predictions about Jennifer as the interim vice president?
A glance thru Jennifer’s background at Mid-West U, briefly details out what type of person she is. She was well known and admired among her peers for her devotion to the University as well as for her energy and charm. Her characteristics portray how she devotes her entire life to her work and her social environment. She succeeds in her teaching career and administrative positions but being selected as the interim vice president doesn’t guarantee her any success. Being selected as the number-two person at the top of the organization will be a challenge, but it will allow her to manage people and have the opportunity to decide what’s best for Mid-West U Both of which are new tasks for her.
“Big Five Personality Traits” The majority of personality tests qualify different personality aspects by five main traits. These traits are listed below.
1. Extraversion: outgoing, sociable, assertive.
2. Agreeableness: good-natured, trusting, cooperative.
3. Conscientiousness: responsible, dependable, persistent.
4. Emotional Stability: unworried, secure, relaxed.
5. Openness to Experience: imaginative, curious, broad-minded.
These are not “types” of personalities, but dimensions of personality. So someone’s personality is the combination of each of their Big Five personality characteristics. For Jennifer, she may be very sociable (high Extroversion), very friendly (high Agreeableness), hard-working (high Conscientiousness), easily stressed (low Emotional Stability) and a poor decision maker (low level of Intellect). A considerable amount of research suggests that personality is stable throughout life and associated with a range of important life outcomes, from academic and occupational success, to marital stability and physical health. Therefore in my

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