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Case: Deontologist, Utilitarian And Virtue Ethics

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On September 18, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accused Volkswagen of cheating on the emission test. Volkswagen had become extremely popular around the world due to the advertising on eco-friendly car. Volkswagen was advertising on the Super Bowl commercials, social media and much more. For seven years they had a false advertisement. It was a false advertisement because everything they were advertising was invalid. People were being lied to on what they were buying. Volkswagen had installed a software into the diesel engine. A deontologist, utilitarian and virtue ethicist could describe the action taken place by Volkswagen. A deontologist, utilitarian, and a virtue ethicist have different ways of describing what is morally …show more content…
Categorical imperative could be described in many different ways. Imperative is defined as a command and the command is categorical due to the fact that we can’t take it or leave it. There are three formulations of categorical imperative. The three formulations are the formula of universal law, the formula of the end itself and the formula of autonomy. The formula of universal law is that you should only act as a maxim and it should become a universal law at the same time. This means that every action that we do should be considered. It should be considered because the action could be acceptable or not. The formula of the end itself is that you should act in a way that you always treat humanity never as a merely mean but as an end itself. In other words, we should not use people for our own benefit. We should value people for who they are and not for what they could provide for us. You should treat people as an end and respect their rationality and autonomy. If you treat someone as a mere means, you’re disrespecting the person’s rationality and autonomy. The formula of autonomy is to act in a way that you could give a universal law through your …show more content…
There are four main virtues of characters that include honesty, courage, fairness and justice. Volkswagen does not fall into any of those categories. Volkswagen was dishonest from the beginning. At first they installed the software due to time and budget, but when the engineers found the solution to the problem they decided to continue cheating. In the United States only 5 percent of diesel cars are sold. Compared to Europe where 50 percent of the cars are diesel. Volkswagen saw an opportunity in the United States diesel market. In the process of manufacturing cars, Volkswagen became the world’s top seller of automaker. Honda, Mazda and other car companies wanted to expand in the diesel market but they saw the new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirement and decided not to invest it. One of the main challenges that the companies face when deciding if investing in the diesel market is that it was difficult to meet the new standards and staying on a

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