Premium Essay



Submitted By Jessie61692
Words 4599
Pages 19
The brain is the largest and most complex part of the nervous system. It weighs about 3 pounds (1.3 kilograms), and contains about 100 billion neurons.

Bateman, J. Fremont. "The Brain and Nervous System." The New Book of Popular Science. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 12 Aug.2013.

Cerebrum, one of the major divisions of the brain.

"Cerebrum." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2013. Web. 12 Aug. 2013.


The cerebrum, which comprises about 85% of the weight of the human brain, is involved in the ability to plan, to exercise creativity, and to store information in memory. On its surface is the cerebral cortex, a sheet of gray matter named for its wrinkled appearance (cortex being the Latin word for tree bark).

Cerebral Cortex.
Varying in thickness from about 0.06 to 0.2 inch (1.5 to 4.5 mm), the cerebral cortex not only receives and processes information regarding taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell but also governs muscle movement, thus allowing humans to analyze their surroundings and to respond to them as well. The cerebral cortex is divided into three areas, with two less structurally developed areas respectively processing emotion and smell, and the more elaborate neocortex processing all other functions. The three-layered archicortex is the emotional portion of the brain and is the simplest of the three. The three- to five-layered paleocortex is the olfactory portion of the brain. The neocortex is a more complex six-layered structure. It makes up approximately 90% of the human cerebrum's cortical region and comprises six layers of tissue, these being, from top to bottom, the molecular, outer granular, pyramidal, inner granular, inner pyramidal, and fusiform layers.

The cortex's convoluted appearance results from its numerous gyri and sulci. This greatly increases the tissue's surface area—it is estimated that the

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