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Changes in Adulthood


Submitted By cldonahue78
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Changes in Adulthood
Corina Donahue
November 4, 2012
Alma Carpio

Changes in Adulthood My personal philosophies on changes throughout adulthood are that as you grow you learn, as I have gone through my adult life I have changed as I learned things. I may have thought one way at one time then as time went on I learned that I was wrong and decided differently, as I continue throughout this paper I will explain this more with my personal experiences and how they have changed my thoughts and ideas. They say at the age of 18 you are an adult and ready to take on the world, oh boy are they wrong; at the age of 18 I thought I was in love and I was so in love I was ready to have sex, yes I was, sure NOT, I got pregnant had a baby at 18 I was not ready not even close I had just graduated high school was not making the right decisions in my life and I definitely had no idea what love was, but her I was about to be a mom. I was going to stay with this an no matter what he belittled me, he beat me, but hey I am an adult he is an adult no one would do this to me if I did not deserve it right? Well I was wrong and it took me a few years to learn that and thank god I survived those years and that he never hurt our child. That marked my first change in my adult years with my mental and relationships, I had no idea what love was and I was nowhere near being an adult. I had a lot to learn about life. I am 33 years old now and I am still learning each and every day. I have learned when it comes to relationships; you do not stay with someone just because you have a child because that child is going to be just as miserable as the parents if they are not happy. Another thing no relationship is perfect, and if it is then there is definitely something going on. You are going to fight, there is going to be disagreements, but the one thing you must always have is trust if you do not have that then you might as well walk away and never look back because without trust there is no relationship, that is one thing it took me awhile to learn and the one thing I know that I will never change my mind about. Trust is the key to any and every relationship, I do not care if it is a relationship of love, friends, any relationship if it is going to work there has to be trust, I have walked away from many of people because of lack of trust, if I cannot trust someone then I do not want them in the lives of my children or myself. Something else you asked us to discuss is health oh am I learning a hard lesson in that these past few years. When I was young I thought I am young why do I have to go to the doctor, only time I went was when I was pregnant with my children, boy was I wrong (and you think I would have know that since I had a stroke at 24 right after I had my last child, but nope did not learn then either.). After having my last child it was 10 years before I stepped into a doctor’s office for myself (and yes I had health insurance I was just ignorant) I went because I could not swallow anything so I figured I had simple strep throat I would be in and out. That one trip to the doctor’s office would change my life forever at first the doctor diagnosis me with esophagitis and sent me over to the hospital to see the extent of the damage and that one xray would send me on the path to taking better care of myself. Turned out I had throat cancer, from there they found some stomach cancer, lumps in my breast, and the virus that will eventually cause my to have cervical cancer HPV, this was about 5 years ago I now go to physical therapy for my back about 2 days a week and have COPD due to many years of smoking and the only person I can blame is myself because as an adult I did not act like one. I did not take myself to the doctor regularly like I did my children. So when it comes to changes in your health as an adult that all depends on the adult. As you get older your body weakens and you are taught this and if you do not listen then you are going to get sick and to each individual it is going to be different, for me it is bad because I refused to do as I should have and my body took a beating and now all I can do is repair it as much as I can. My idea on how you change throughout adulthood I think it is all based on experiences, yes you can be taught and told how to live, but that is by someone else’s standards and beliefs and that’s person’s standards and beliefs may not work for you I think the old saying “you live and learn” holds a lot of truth and meaning in it. The way I live my life now is based on what I learned as I grew up and on my life experiences. I am not raising my children like my mom raised me because I was not a happy child, but I am taking a lot of the morals my grandparents gave me and instilling them in my children because I believe in them. I feel that yes you live and learn by your experiences but you also get something from the environment you grew up in. I lucked out and even though I may not of had a happy home I know that I need to change that for my children and not carry on the cycle, and although my home was not happy my grandparents was and they made me see things could be different and so did other family members. I think you learn from things around you it is just up to you to choose as an adult which are right. As we go through adulthood our mental state is forming and we need to overcome so many things to become the adult we are going to be.

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