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Child Development Essay


Submitted By ashleynovo
Words 1292
Pages 6
Writing Assignment #1 Child Observation
Ashley Novo
Child Development 30- Human Development

I observed a male child between the ages of 5-6 who I will be calling Sport. I observed Sport at O’Donnel Park in Carmichael which is about 25 to 30 minutes from Sacramento State. Most of the activities that I had observed was Sport going on the playground and running around playing with his parent, and I spent a little over forty five minutes observing the child to try and get as much observation data as possible. I chose to do my observations at a park rather than somewhere like a school or daycare for 2 main reasons: children at school are more likely to notice an unknown person observing them since they are familiar with their school and the people who frequent it, possibly causing a sub conscious shift in their actions. Secondly, parks have no authoritative force other than the parent, meaning that children are generally freer in how they can express themselves. Physical development refers to the ability of children to use their physical bodies and physical skills along with physical growth, characterized as motor development. One large aspect of physical development I found in my observation was under factors related to childhood injuries. Sport had hit himself in the face three times, said “ow”, and then started laughing to his parent. After this happened Sport ran across the playground to the swings and fell face first into the bark before getting up again to continue running to the swings. Sport’s parent suggested that he and Sport go on the seesaw, when Sport saw his parent sit down, he stood up on the seesaw and began to jump up and down. Sport jumped off of the seesaw and fell, then got back on the seesaw, his parent started bouncing up and down more and then Sport jumped off the seesaw again and didn’t fall, this continued about 5 or 6 times. Berk

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