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Children Learn from Example


Submitted By Nikecougar1990
Words 270
Pages 2
2003 Page 1 of 5 List of Medications Contraindicating Receipt of Smallpox Vaccine The ACIP recommends that individuals taking medications in certain pharmacologic categories not be vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine. There is concern that enhanced vaccinia virus replication due to medication-induced immunosuppression may occur, leading to the possibility of untoward effects of the virus in the person taking these medications. General categories of medications that are considered immunosuppressive • Alkylating agents • Antimetabolites, or • High-dose corticosteroids (≥2 mg/kg body weight or 20 mg/day of prednisone for ≥2 weeks). • Other immunosuppressive medications, immune suppressing antibodies and interferons The categories of medications include those used to directly treat cancers and those that adversely affect the immune system (at recommended doses/duration or greater). Corticosteroids used in greater than physiologic doses may reduce the immune response to the vaccine. Persons being treated with or taking high dose corticosteroids should not be vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine within one month of completing corticosteroid therapy, and persons being treated with other immunosuppressive drugs within the prior 3 months should not be vaccinated. The attached list is for general guidance about medications that if an individual is taking may contraindicate them from receiving the smallpox vaccine This list is not meant to be exhaustive but to serve as a guide to clinicians seeking to assist patients decide if they should be vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine. One should note that certain other medications not listed, may idiosyncratically and in certain health conditions, be immunosuppressive. Therefore clinical judgment is needed to decide the impact of these medications for patients based on their health

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