Premium Essay



Submitted By waseem00019
Words 3876
Pages 16
Abstract:-The fourth generation of mobile networks will truly turn the current mobile phone networks, in to end to end IP based networks, couple this with the arrival of IPv6, every device in the world will have a unique IP address, which will allow full IP based communications from a mobile device, right to the core of the internet, and back out again. If 4G is implemented correctly, it will truly harmonize global roaming, super high speed connectivity, and transparent end user performance on every mobile communications device in the world. 4G is set to deliver 100mbps to a roaming mobile device globally, and up to 1gbps to a stationary device. With this in mind, it allows for video conferencing, streaming picture perfect video and much more. It won’t be just the phone networks that need to evolve, the increased traffic load on the internet as a whole (imagine having 1 billion 100mb nodes attached to a network over night) will need to expand, with faster backbones and oceanic links requiring major upgrade. 4G won’t happen overnight, it is estimated that it will be implemented by 2012, and if done correctly, should takeoff rather quickly. 4G networks i.e. Next Generation Networks (NGNs) are becoming fast and very cost-effective solutions for those wanting an IP built high-speed data capacities in the mobile network. Some possible standards for the 4G system are 802.20, Wi-MAX (802.16), HSDPA, TDD UMTS, UMTS and future versions of UMTS. The design is that 4G will be based on OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), which is the key enabler of 4Gtechnology. Other technological aspects of 4G are adaptive processing and smart antennas, both of which will be used in 3G networks and enhance rates when used in with OFDM. Currently 3Gnetworks still send their data digitally over a single channel; OFDM is designed to send data over hundreds of parallel streams, thus

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