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Collapse of the Copper Mine in Chile


Submitted By grateful1
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Knowing Your Audience Paper
Shirley Richardson
June 6, 2013
Tanya Boddie

Knowing Your Audience Paper
On August 6, 2010, thirty four miners were trapped after a collapse in a copper mine in Chile, a few weeks after the collapse of the copper mine, thirty three of the miners were reported alive. Shortly after the report of the survivors, emergency supplies were delivered to the victims through what was called a bore hole. It was estimated that the rescue could take months, before any news on actually retrieving the miners. There were uncertainties of what actually caused the collapse of the copper mine, however there were stipulations of illegal mining that could of possibly been the cause of the collapse of the copper mine.
It was also stated, that when mining is done without disregard to rules and regulations the

possibility of someone being seriously harmed or killed is large in number. The attempt to

rescue the miners is a method they would use will be to drill bore holes with the hope of rescuing

the miners. A couple of days after the incident an attempt to rescue the miners was delayed by

another collapse took place near the location where the miners were believed to be trapped.

According to reporters more emergency supplies were delivered to the miners because of the

Many rocks they will have to drill through in the attempt to individually free the miners.

According to a phone interview the miners limited their food and water supply to barely

enough to keep from starving. It was also reported that the miners were in a very stressful

predicament and though they have a supply of food and water being trapped in the mind

can cause the miners to suffer psychologically and cause a mental break which can cause

them to give up the fight of survival.

NASA was also consulted to advise a way to keep the miners physical and

Mentally intact during the length of time the miners will be trapped.

Wynne Parry and Rachael Rettner
Date: 26 August 2010 Time: 07:35 AM ET

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