Premium Essay

Commanding Officer


Submitted By chisaka
Words 2558
Pages 11
Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Definitions and Explanations

3 Merits and Demerits of the Plurality and PR systems

4 Analysis

5 Conclusion

The motivation behind selecting the assignment topic is that elections and the understanding of the electoral systems seem to be at the center of understanding Political Governance

1 Introduction
In discussing the assignment question the paper will endeavor to first provide definitions and explanations for the terms; democracy, representative democracy, electoral systems, plurality system and proportional representation.

The presentation will proceed to identify and analyze the merits and demerits of the plurality and proportional representation electoral systems with reference to the practice in South Africa and Zambia. However, the analysis on the merits and demerits of the two electoral systems will be preceded with a discussion on the relevance of elections in a democracy.

In conclusion, the presentation will strive to augment the viewpoint(s) developed from the analysis and offer an opinion as to whether it would be beneficial for South Africa to adopt the plurality electoral system.
2 Definitions and Explanation
The word democracy is one that has a variety of versions in practice and theory, however, according to Johari (2013, p. 491) almost all governments proclaim to be democratic.1 Hague and Harrop (2010, p.84) write that the core principle of democracy is self-rule.2 For the purpose of this discussion the presentation will adopt the version provided by Abraham Lincoln which defines democracy as government of the people, by the people and for the people. ( Johari (2013, p. 491) 3 It can therefore be deduced that democracy may be understood as a form of government which accords all its citizens a role in the governance system.

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