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Computer Science Illuminated


Submitted By dreamboatZZZ
Words 67693
Pages 271





computer science


computer science






computer science

Villanova University


University of Texas, Austin

Jones and Bartlett Publishers is pleased to provide Computer Science Illuminated’s book-specific website. This site offers a variety of resources designed to address multiple learning styles and enhance the learning experience.

Goin’ Live
This step-by-step HTML Tutorial will guide you from start to finish as you create your own website. With each lesson, you’ll gain experience and confidence working in the HTML language.

Online Glossary
We’ve made all the key terms used in the text easily accessible to you in this searchable online glossary.

The Learning Store
Jones and Bartlett Publishers has a wealth of material available to supplement the learning and teaching experience. Students and instructors will find additional resources here or at http://computerscience.

The Language Library
Here you will find two complete chapters that supplement the book’s language-neutral approach to programming concepts. A JAVA language chapter and C++ language chapter are included and follow the same pedagogical approach as the textbook.

Our eLearning center provides chapter-specific activities that will actively engage you in the learning process. Each activity directly correlates to material presented in the text to help you gain command over chapter content.
Animated Flashcards
Computer science is rich with vocabulary, and these virtual flashcards will help you quickly master new terms and definitions.

Interactive Review
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