Premium Essay

Holocaust Museum


Submitted By cherihagans
Words 864
Pages 4
Holocaust Museum

My Mom, my cousin and I all went to the Holocaust Museum in Richmond. Upon arriving at the museum the outside of the building looked a little scary, because all the windows had boards and locks on them. As we went in the building we went to the information desk and this older man told us that the museum was built by survivors of Holocaust that ended up living in Richmond many years later. He then told us to go into the video room and watch the video and then come back and they would tell us what to do from there. The video was of four survivors telling their reasons for building the museum and telling the stories of the Holocaust. The reason for the museum is because the survivors are getting older and they do not want people to forget about the tragedies that happened to the Jewish people so that history would never repeats itself. When the video finished we went back to the information desk and was given a book with a map in it and told which way to start the tour. As we walked down the hall it was a little scary because everything was dark until you got to certain parts of the rooms. In the first room (Dachau/Buchenwald) we went into it showed how the “prisoners” had to sleep. The bunks were from the floor to ceiling made out of wood and two to three people to each bunk they had no blankets or pillows. They looked as if they were sleeping on top of each other. A Nazi soldier stood with a gun aimed at them all the time. In another room it showed the Kovno Ghetto and how people lived and then how when they were called in the streets to be taken to the concentration camps how the houses were left empty. Also showed that they families were given rations to share daily. The rations consisted of two slices of bread, an 8 ounce cups of flour, salt and beans and a 4 ounce piece of meat that was to be shared with the entire family. We

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