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Conflict In Red And Flowers For Algernon

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Two movies with external conflicts are “Red” and “Knight and Day”. The conflict in “Red” is the government trying to cover up an incident where a whole village was burnt and all the people that lived in the village were killed. They were trying to cover it up by killing off all the people that were involved. One group of retired agents are targeted and marked for death because they were soldiers in the village when the young soldier went crazy and killed everybody in the village. It was covered up and no one wanted it to come out because the soldier that went crazy and killed those people was now running for president. The retired and extremely dangerous agents fought back. In “Knight and Day”, a spy realizes after retrieving an extremely powerful battery that the agency he works for is corrupt. The agent goes rogue and stays off the grid to hide from the spies in the agency. Two movies that internal conflicts are “A Beautiful Young Mind” and “Flowers for Algernon”. In “A Beautiful Young Mind”, a young boy watches his caring and loving father die in a car accident. His father was the only person who took time to understand and care for him. The boy never got over his father’s death. The boy struggles through the movie to trust someone again. In “Flowers for Algernon”, a mentally …show more content…
In “Songbird”, two highly trained assassins have two daughters. The main character is one of these daughters. She believes her sister was killed by her parent and later her parents were killed while on an assignment. Melodee grows up to be a cage fighter. With this profession, she is constantly on the move. She moved to Maine and was in a bad snowstorm. That night, she found two people dead and two others she would love. She found a baby in the back seat of a car with its mother in the front seat. The mother was dead. The other was Nathan Sinclair who offers a helping hand to Melodee and the young Jewel. Nathan and Melodee fall in love, but are hunted buy one of Nathan’s crazy

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