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Coppa and Cipa


Submitted By brucedbaker
Words 2332
Pages 10
There have been information technology acts put in place to protect certain potentialrisks. Acts such as the Children’s Internet Protection Act, 2000 and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, 1998 are only two of the many. The "Children’s Online Privacy Act" (n.d) website. The two acts were created for many reasons for adolescent to prevent potential threats and advances for children. The possibility of young children accessing harmful websites are controlled by both acts and the impact has been worldwide. The Internet will continue to expand and without government control, these acts were established to aid in the control of information that is accessible to children.
The Children’s Internet Protection Act was created for schools and libraries with Internetaccessible to children. The circumstances that led to this act were to protect Internet safety. President Clinton signed this act to aid in the ability to control what children had access to. As the Internet expanded and predators grew in numbers, the information technology world was impacted and children were being attacked.
Internet use has become the norm in Institutions. Children can access the web from their homes, schools, and libraries. As helpful as the Internet can be, there are potential dangers that children can easily access. As a result, the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 became constitutional, requiring schools and libraries to implement filtering of web content and blocking of inappropriate material.Online content can be harmful to children and the ease of accessing that on public computers has been blocked. There are potential dangers ranging from privacy to cyber-bullying. Young children are not trained in the depth of the World Wide Web and its functions. Children get online and surf not knowing that predators can hack and receive information. Sometimes

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