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Court Analysis


Submitted By kd51
Words 1022
Pages 5
Court Issues Analysis

“The primary function of American criminal courts is to determine the legal guilt of the accused—that is, to determine if a person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of committing a crime”, they essentially take over where police left off (Robinson, 2009). Although there is more to the court system other than finding individuals innocent or guilty much, the courts are also responsible for establishing bail, operating preliminary hearings, ruling on the admissibility of evidence, and determining the proper sentence when a guilty verdict has been obtained. Though they perform many functions for the criminal justice system, there are many issues still facing the courts today. This analysis will discuss in detail, the current and future issues encountering courts and court administrators today. Also future management issues and trends concerning language interpretations services will be discussed, in addition to assessing the past, present, and future impact the victims’ rights laws have on court proceedings.
There are several current and future disputes facing courts and court administrators today. One major factor that some may hold opposing views would be the use of plea bargaining in our court system. “Shockingly, more than 90% of felony cases in the United States in any given year are disposed of via plea bargaining” (Robinson, 2009). Criminal trials are responsible for determining the innocence or guilt of those in question, whereas plea bargaining is where the accused plead guilty to lesser charges thus resulting in reduced charges. Individuals, who commit crimes know the consequences they will have to face, therefore should pay the ultimate price to deter them from re committing the crime. Plea bargaining is a way to get a lesser punishment than they would of if they would of undergone the complete court process. Plea bargaining

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