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Creon's Flaws In Sophocles Antigone

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Antigone Many people have many different flaws. Some of them benefit from these flaws while others don’t. If we make a flaw in a simple setting it can plummet our whole perception of something , someone, or some place. Creon from the play Antigone By: Sophocles makes many flaws in his plan to prove himself as a true.Creon is conceited, weak, and harsh.

One of Creon’s biggest fatal flaws was not burying Polyneices and leaving him out the gates of Thebes to rot. If Creon would have just buried Polyneices none of this would have ever happened. Polyneices has just enough of a fault as Eteocles for their deaths. One brother defending his reputation and right to throne, the other trying to defend greed for the throne. So Creon decides

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