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Criminological Relationships Between Theory and Policy


Submitted By jhjh
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Pages 9
Criminological Relationships between Theory and Policy
American Intercontinental University
Julie Hurden

This paper will discuss three policies within the criminological field and the theories that might have influenced them. The three policies and two theories that will be discussed in this paper are the death penalty, three strikes laws and expunging of records, the classical school of criminology and the labeling theory. This paper will discuss rulings by the Supreme Court concerning the “Three Strikes and You’re Out” laws and the death penalty policies. It will review the Eighth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

Criminological Relationships between Theory and Policy
Three Strikes and You’re out Law (TSAYO) The Three Strikes Laws are basically laws that order increased sentences for repeat criminals, this increased sentence is given after three felony crimes have been committed by an offender. Most state and federal laws in the United States require harsher punishment for repeat offenders but they are not as severe as the “Three Strikes and You’re Out” (TSAYO) laws. TSAYO was passed into law to help protect society from persons that are dangerous and have exhibited a pattern of criminal behavior, to break it down this law simply takes repeat offenders out of the game by putting them in prison and hopefully deter others from committing the same kinds of criminal acts. According to Justice James A. Ardaiz, "Three Strikes was intended to go beyond simply making sentences tougher. The “Three Strikes and you’re out” law was intended to be a focused effort to create a sentencing policy that would use the judicial system to reduce serious and violent crime” (Goodno, N, (2007). Repeat offenders are considered

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