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Critical Response on Democracy


Submitted By kcwatson6
Words 1287
Pages 6
Critical Response on Democracy
DeVry University
Political Science 330
July 16, 2011

Democracy when looked at as a system of government is when power is vested in the people who rule either directly or indirectly through freely elected officials. (democracy. (n.d.) The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition, n.d). There are certain criteria and conditions that must be place in order for a government to be considered democratic. In a democratic society the government will get its power form the people that it is to govern over. The people will elect representatives who are given the responsibility of being their voice in the state capital or countries capital. The representative’s job is to make sure they are trying to do what is in the best interest of the people that they represent. This way is called a representative democracy. The representatives under this type of representation are allowed to be in office for a specific period of time through elections. When they have completed the set term they were elected for then they must step down or try to stay in office by seeking re-election. (Dr. Almon Leroy Way, n.d.).
Today you have current events that provide evidence of democracy at work in America. Looking at 2006 and 2007, our economy started to collapse and you could see that the American public as a whole was not happy with the direction of the economy and the government. They had grown weary of the War in Iraq and the drain on America’s finances. The market on Wall Street was showing signs of wear which gave much concern about the economic outlook in America. The housing industry had collapsed and the banking industry was thrown into a tailspin with the amount of subprime loans that began to default. People started losing jobs and the auto industry was not able to maintain the grim outlook on their own futures.
In a

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