Premium Essay

Curfews Keep Teens Out of Trouble


Submitted By zachshall
Words 2010
Pages 9
i. Who here has been assigned a curfew by a parent or a guardian? It sucks, huh? Well as much as it may have sucked, having a curfew actually has helped you. ii. You may or may not believe me but with my research on the topic, I believe I’ll be able to show you all the benefits coming from a curfew. Now what I’ll be discussing is that curfews indeed help teens stay out of trouble. iii. But lets start with the actual definition of a curfew so everyone understands, a curfew is an order by the legal guardians of a teenager or law to return home by a specific time, usually in the evening or night. This curfew may apply daily or vary with the day of the week. iv. So before you came to Cal Poly you probably had at one point in time when your parents said something like,” Be home by 11pm or you’re grounded.” The initial response to this was probably, “Screw you mom, you don’t know me!”
v. Well hate to break it to you but they are the smart ones in this situation. Now you’re parents didn’t give you a curfew to see you upset but rather for some reasons that actually benefit you in the long run.

Reason 1
i. The first reason why curfews are necessary is that curfews keeps teens off the street and in homes where they can be safe and out of trouble. ii. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, in 1980, there were 6,451 juvenile arrests for every 100,000 youths ages ranging between 10 and 17 in the U.S. But with new curfew laws that cities are currently adopting, the overall juvenile arrest rate was 38% lower in 2012 than in 1980. iii. According to a study conducted by Carla Pascoe, 97% of the National League of Cities (total of 800 cities) says curfews are effective in combating juvenile crime. iv. There is a saying that “Nothing good is going on after midnight.” Now I must admit that once you are mature and out of the house at

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