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‫با سالم‬ ‫مشخصات اجرایی و محتوایی طرح‬ ‫1- محتوا‬ ‫هحَس ّبی هحتَایی طشح سٍی هَاسد ریل ثٌب گشدیذُ اًذ:‬ ‫الف) ایجبد استجبط ثیي دفبع همذس ٍ فشٌّگ عبضَسا ( ّش کس هی خَاّذ هب سا ثطٌبسذ داستبى کشثال سا ثخَاًذ )‬ ‫ة) تجییي عجبست کل یَم عبضَسا ٍ کل اسض کشثال اص طشیك تشسین همبطع گًَبگَى صًذگی ٍ اضبسُ ثِ ایٌکــِ دس‬ ‫صًذگی ّشکسـی عبضَسایــی فشا خَاّذ سسیذ کِ اٍ سا ًبچبس ثِ اًتخبة ساُ خَاّذ ًوَد.‬ ‫ج) تجییي ٍ ثِ تصَیش کطیذى ساّی کِ سصهٌذگبى ٍ ضْذا اًتخبة کشدًذ ٍ استجبط عویك ایي لبفلِ ثب لبفلِ سبالس‬ ‫ضْیذاى‬ ‫2- فرم اجرا‬ ‫فضبی اثتذایی ضبهل چٌذ اتبق ٍ ساّشٍّب ی استجبطی ثیي آًْب هی ثبضذ کِ دس یک ضکل دایشُ ای دس کٌبس ّن لشاس هی‬ ‫گیشًذ. ّشیک اص ایي اتبق ّب همطعی اص صًذگی است اص کَدکی تب پیشی. دس ٍالع هخبطت ٍاسد هسیشی هی ضَد کِ ایي هسیش‬ ‫داسای یک سیش صهبًی است. اٍ ثب ّوِ خَاستٌی ّب ٍ دٍست داضتٌی ّبیص سٍثشٍ هی گشدد، حالل ٍ حشام تفبٍتی ًذاسد ّوِ سا‬ ‫هی ثیٌذ. ّش چِ ثِ جلَ هی سٍین اٍ ثیطتش دسگیش دًیب هی ضَد لزا اتبق ّب کَچک تش ٍ ساّشٍّب ثبسیکتش هی ضَد. اٍ ًوی خَاّذ‬ ‫اص ایي دًیب جذا ضَد ثٌبثشایي ثِ دًجبل ساُ ّبیی ثشای جبٍداًگی هی گشدد ٍ ایي ّوبى گشدًِ ّبیی است کِ ثش سش ساُ اٍ لشا هی‬ ‫گیشد. ساُ ّبی اًحشافی اص ایٌجب دس هسیشی کِ اٍ دس حبل طی کشدى است خَد سا ًطبى هی دٌّذ. دس طَل ایي فشایٌذ ّوَاسُ‬ ‫ًمطِ ّذفی ثشای اٍ تذاعی هی ضَد ٍ سعی هی ضَد ایي هسئلِ ثِ اٍ یبدآٍسی گشدد. طشاحی داستبًی کِ ثَسیلِ صَت، ًَس،‬ ‫تصبٍیش ٍ دکَس ّبی هشثَطِ ثِ اجشا دس خَاّذ آهذ هخبطت سا ثِ سوت چبلطی ثضسگ ثِ پیص خَاّذ ثَد کِ ّوبى لشاس گشفتي‬ ‫ثش سش دٍ ساّی ّبیی است جْت سسیذى ثِ سعبدت. ّش چِ ثِ جلَ هی سٍین فضب ضلَغ تش ٍ هلتْت تش هی ضَد تب جبییکِ‬ ‫هخبطت خَد سا دس یک فضبی ثسیبس هتطٌج ٍ آسام آسام ضجیِ ثِ جٌگ دس هی یبثذ. حبال اٍ دس اٍج تعلك لشاس داسد ٍ اًگبس دیگش‬ ‫صهبًص ثِ پبیبى سسیذُ است. ّوِ چیض ّبیی کِ ثشایص عضیض ّستٌذ خَة یب ثذ ثب ّن ثش سش اٍ َّاس ضذُ اًذ ٍ اًگبس داسًذ اٍ سا‬ ‫لِ هی کٌٌذ. دس اٍج ایي تٌص ّب ًبگْبى ساُ ًجبتی ًوبیبى هی ضَد. اص اتبق آخش خبسج هی ضَد ٍ دس دل ایي التْبثبت چشاغ‬ ‫فبًَس سٌگشی کِ سٍضي هی ضَد سا هی ثیٌذ. ضخصی اص دسٍى سٌگشآًْب سا ثِ سوت خَد فشا هی خَاًذ. ایي سٌگش دس داخل‬ ‫دایشُ لشاس داسد. هخبطجیي ٍاسد سٌگش هی ضًَذ ٍ ثِ آى پٌبُ هی ثشًذ دس حبلیکِ حبال فضب کبهال جٌگی است. هذتی کِ هی‬ ‫گزسد تٌص ّب ٍ جٌگ ّب کبهال ثِ حب لت یک فضبی جٌگ سخت ٍ هیذاًی تجذیل هی ضَد. آًْب دس یکی اص هٌبطك عولیبتی ٍ‬ ‫دس سٌگش سصهٌذگبى دفبع همذس لشاس داسًذ. سصهٌذگبى سخت دس گیش ّستٌذ ٍ گفتگَّبیی ثیي آًْب دس جشیبى است کِ اضبسُ ثِ‬ ‫آسهبى ٍ ّذفی کِ آًْب ثشای آى هی جٌگٌذ داسد. هذتی کِ هی گزسد سصهٌذگبى سعی هی کٌٌذ آًْب سا اص ایي هْلکِ ًجبت دٌّذ‬ ‫لزا آًْب سا اص ساّی کِ دس گَضِ ای اص سٌگش لشاس داسد ساّی هی کٌٌذ. هخبطجیي دس اٍج دسگیشی ّب ٍ حجن آتص کِ ثَسیلِ‬ ‫صَت ٍ ًَس ٍ فضبسبصی ّبی هحیطی ایجبد هی ضَد اص هعجشی عجَس هی کٌٌذ ٍ ٍاسد کَچِ ّبی ضْشی ًوبدیي دس دل تبسیخ‬ ‫هی ضًَذ. ایٌجب کَچِ ّبی کَفِ است ٍ آًْب پس اص طی هسیشی ٍاسد خبًِ ای هی ضًَذ . ایي ّوبى خبًِ ای است کِ حضشت‬ ‫هسلن دس آخشیي ضت آٍاسگی اش دس کَفِ دس آى پٌبُ گشفتِ ثَد. دس ایي خبًِ هخبطجیي اص صثبى هسلن پیبم اهبم حسیي علیِ‬ ‫السالم سا هی ضًٌَذ ٍ ثِ طَس سوجلیک دس جشیبى سٍیذادّبی سٍص عبضَسا لشاس هی گیشًذ. آًْب ثِ لصذ الحبق ثِ لبفلِ سبالس‬ ‫ضْیذاى اص خبًِ خبسج هی ضًَذ ٍ ثِ سوت کشثال حشکت هی کٌٌذ.‬

‫شرایط اجرا :‬ ‫1. ساله دربست‬ ‫2. تأمیه ویريی اوساوی در طًل مدت اجرای ومایشگاٌ‬ ‫3. تأمیه اسپیس ي پارتیشه ومایشگاَی‬ ‫4. ارائٍ پريشٌ در ريز ششم ومایشگاٌ بٍ شرط شريع کار از یکشىبٍ‬ ‫عدد پروژه :‬ ‫44میلیًن تًمان‬ ‫شرایط پرداخت :‬ ‫44درصد عقد قرارداد‬ ‫َسیىٍ َای ساخت ي اجرایی‬ ‫44درصد پىجاٌ درصد پیشرفت‬ ‫41درصد تحًیل پريشٌ‬ ‫سًد پريشٌ‬ ‫41درصد وُایتا تا 1ماٌ پس از پريشٌ‬

‫خًاَشاً وسبت بٍ تعییه ي تکلیف پريشٌ عجلٍ بفرمائید ...‬

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Empress Luxury Lines

...9-502-040 OCTOBER 5, 2001 DOUGLAS B. HOLT Mountain Dew: Selecting New Creative Standing at the front of a PepsiCo conference room, Bill Bruce gestured enthusiastically, pointing to the sketches at his side. Bruce, a copywriter and Executive Creative Director, headed up the creative team on the Mountain Dew account for PepsiCo’s advertising agency, BBDO New York. In fact, it was Bruce who devised the famous “Do the Dew” campaign that had catapulted Mountain Dew to the number three position in its category. With his partner, art director Doris Cassar, Bruce had developed ten new creative concepts for Mountain Dew’s 2000 advertising to present to PepsiCo management. Gathered in the room to support Bruce and Cassar were BBDO senior executives Jeff Mordos (Chief Operating Officer), Cathy Israelevitz (Senior Account Director), and Ted Sann (Chief Creative Officer). Each of the three executives had over a decade of experience working on Mountain Dew. Representing PepsiCo were Scott Moffitt (Marketing Director, Mountain Dew), Dawn Hudson (Chief Marketing Officer, and a former senior ad agency executive), and Gary Rodkin (Chief Executive Officer, Pepsi Cola North America). Scott Moffitt scribbled notes as he listened to Bruce speak. Moffitt and the brand managers under him were charged with day-to-day oversight of Mountain Dew marketing. These responsibilities included brand strategy, consumer and sales promotions, packaging, line extensions, product changes, and sponsorships....

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Marxist Critique of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas

...the corporations of the world. In fact, the Santa Claus we know today was shaped by the multi-billion dollar corporation, Coca-Cola (Staff, 2012). As we all know, when Dr. Seuss wrote his books, he most often included a theme, or ‘moral of the story’ as a guide for young children to help them learn important values. In his work, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, Dr. Seuss openly protested the commercialization of Christmas. Seuss’s work is very obviously Marxist-based, as it spoke clearly on issues of discrimination, ostracism and misplaced values. Marxism is different than ‘other progressive movements because Marxists always struggle to overcome the manifold forms of domination and exploitation in and through the self-emancipation of the working class’ ( Dr. Seuss could be interpreted as protesting against this exploitation of the public by the capitalists and corporations, by creating a work that states that ““Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”” (Geisel, 1957). Seuss, it seems, was of the opinion that the version of Christmas we know now, based on giving and receiving expensive purchases, was little more than an incredibly clever marketing gimmick by major corporations, which is essentially the upper class. In his work, Dr. Seuss outlined the difference between the upper class (the Whos) and the lower class (the Grinch). I think that Seuss’s characterization of the Grinch and the Whos is more...

Words: 508 - Pages: 3

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...Anthonee Butler Essay 1, Draft 1 9/25/2013 I was exposed to reading at a young age. My earliest reading memory was my mother reading Dr. Seuss books to me when I was four or five. I used to enjoy seeing the pictures in the books more then I liked being read too. I also use to enjoy watching the characters in the books on television. As a kid I was in love with talking animals. I thought that was the coolest thing in the world. The Arthur series was a big influence growing up. I remember one Christmas I got a stack of Arthur books and I was the happiest kid in the world. That whole week my mother would help me read the books and then I would watch the show on television right after. As I grew older, I started to enjoy reading horror books. I also liked horror films and I think that influenced what I liked to read. I really liked the Goosebumps series and could read them all day. I prefer to read about things that interest me. It’s hard for me to read something that doesn’t have my interest. In high school, I rarely read about something that interested me. At a young age, my grandmother would tell me stories about how she grew up in the south and how different the country was as a kid. She would tell me about how segregated it was and all about the civil rights movement and how it was a big part of her childhood. Hearing these stories that my grandmother would tell me made me want to learn more about the civil rights era in the south. A lot of things influenced me to read...

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