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Describe and Evaluate 2 Models of Behaviour


Submitted By sgandhi
Words 2496
Pages 10
Abnormal Psychology - Models of Abnormality Behavioral Model
Taking over psychology in the first half of this century, particularly in the USA, the behavioural model focuses on the observable behaviour of a person. Its assumptions were that behaviour is primarily the result of the environment rather then genetic and so the behaviourists reject the view that abnormal behaviour has a biological basis. the focus is on reinforcing positive behaviors and not reinforcing maladaptive behaviors. Maladaptive behaviours can be un-learnt by changing the environment. Behaviourists have a deterministic view believe that our actions are based on life experience. This model is completely opposite to the biological model.
Classical conditioning is behaviour learned through stimulus-response association. Stimulus being the environment and response being the reaction given. This is an early form of behaviourism pioneered by Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov (1897) demonstrated classical conditioning by using dogs. the dogs would salivate every time meat was put before them he then rang a bell. Eventually the dogs learned to associate the sound of the bell so when they heard the sound of the bell they would salivate even though there was no meat present.
Watson and Rayner (1920) proposed that children learn phobias through paired associations. It is suggested that through classical conditioning people can learn to associate an unconditioned response with a neutral stimulus. Therefore resulting in a conditioned response that can lead to a phobia. Watson and Rayner (1920) conducted an experiment on an infant, little Albert, they wanted to show that emotional reactions could be classically conditioned in humans. Their experiment showed that it did. Little Albert was 9 months old and had no phobias. He was tested on his reaction to different stimuli he was shown a white rat, a variety

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