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Discussing Animal Research


Submitted By tiggy84
Words 802
Pages 4
1. Research Question or Problem The purpose of this article was to identify the different arguments made in regards to the use of animals in behavioral and biomedical research and the benefits of facilitating classroom room discussions amongst psychology students concerning this controversial topic.
2. Introduction
Herzog H.A, (1990) believed that since the publishing of Singer’s book, Animal Liberations, in 1975, public concern over the ethical treatment of animals has significantly risen (p. 90). According to Rollin (1981, as cited by Harold, 1990) experimental psychology was “the field most consistently guilty of mindless activities that results in great suffering.” This debate has caused psychology students to question the use of animals in behavioral research. According to this article there are three reasons why discussing animal rights is crucial to psychology students. First, students should be conscious of political and social concerns associated with psychology that could have an effect on their lives. Second, animal rights issues raise questions related to psychology such as, “can animals think?” or “What are the essential differences between humans and animals?” Third, the use of animals in laboratory courses has received lots of censure (p. 90). To facilitate students to think about these issues, the author has designed a classroom exercise that has students making decisions about whether or not a series of theoretical proposals, pertaining to animal research, should be carried out (p. 91).
3. Methodology Psychology students are divided into groups of 5-7. Each group is to imagine they are a member of the Animal care and based on real life experiments or scenarios, which illustrate different issues associated with making ethical decisions (Harold, H, 1990, p. 91). The proposals explain the experiment, including the intended outcomes

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