Free Essay

Discussion Board 1


Submitted By ronaldjr94
Words 566
Pages 3
May 27, 2016
International Management

There are a few ethical philosophies that can influence the decisions that managers will use for offshoring of jobs. First, the Kantian philosophy displays that individuals/organizations have a duty based on core moral principles beyond their own self-interest. This would effectively mean that managers cannot simply think of their own profits, but think of the employees that will be displaced as well as those who will be gaining positions. Next is Utilitarianism Theory Analysis the company has the right to protect their intellectual property. For that need company has to enforce proper planning strategy on what services should be outsourced to offshore jobs and what services should not. If there will be lack of proper planning, then may be chances of Identity Theft and the company goes through loses. Last is Social contract theory all the rational begins are getting benefited through outsourcing as it increase.
By outsourcing certain errands, the organizations can spare cash taking into account charges they pay in the offshore countries. Created nations like America and Europe have more corporate duty rate than different nations. The U.S. charge code permits American based organizations to get the expense exceptions for that rate of duty effectively paid to remote nations, which is less contrasted with U.S. Some organizations even move some errands to the little seaward island, for example, Caymans, where they can make charge free record and abstain from paying dutiess the global economy. So for the world benefits, offshoring jobs is good. According to Utilitarian point of view, the companies move certain tasks to the offshore countries for tax benefits. They help other foreign countries to grow and create jobs there and also give tax to the countries based on the profit in those countries.
The companies create more jobs in the overseas for tax incentives. They do not invest money in their country and do not create jobs for their society. According to Kant, this is morally wrong, the companies has some responsibilities for the country. They cheat to the country and give less tax based on profit in the parent country not the profit through overseas. How genuinely the guardian workers who are socially expelled from the organization, will exchange the information to the remote representatives. The offshore countries have the obligations to give back the quality and security item to the organization.
Legitimate in relationship between the created nation and the remote nation is a key imperative for better and effective business. According to Utilitarianism Theory, if a work is done with honest, it will give satisfaction at the end. When two countries are working together with handshaking, one should have trust with another and they should do work with honesty. In Kantian theory an outsourced company gets profit with the help of other foreign country; simultaneously foreign country also gets profit with the outsourced work. Both should do work with honest. Social Contract Theory Analysis as a moral rule, honesty in communication required for better business and makes a better word. So in outsourcing offshore jobs, honesty is a key factor. And trust. If one country uses other as a means to an end for its benefit, then it is wrong. These impacts are both positive and negative. When the business owners and BPO consultants move jobs overseas, they claim that their actions have a clear net positive.

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