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Discussion Board Unit 1


Submitted By Bobbirave
Words 417
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Discussion Board Unit 1
Introduction to Computers

Discussion Board Unit 1 A. Questions for weekly discussions and conclusions

1. Which features or functions of MS Word do you find particularly useful as a college student, and why?

I’m still learning how to use MS Word 2010. I have mainly used MS Document to write outlines and research papers. When I have typed up outlines, it seems to be pretty easy. It automatically gives the options between bullets, numbering or multilevel listing. I’m sure with this class I will be able to learn this program successfully.

2. Which features or functions of MS Word do you think you will use most often as a professional in your chosen discipline after graduation?

I’m not sure exactly but I’m sure that I will use the tools that I will learn. As of right now I use MS Word to make flyers for advertising my business.

3. How can Word help you with producing correct APA documents? Do you think Word’s APA features are useful? Why or why not?

Word has helped in many ways. The autocorrect feature is great when I misspell words or misuse sentence endings. It also lets me know if the sentence I typed is fragmented. Word is good for writing different types of papers I need. I just realized that I’m not sure if I have the right setup for APA. I have to double click to double space sentences and I have to manually indent paragraphs. Is there a way to setup MS Word for APA?

B. What kind of information on the site do you find to be valuable to you?

I viewed the site and found the site helpful. I searched for APA templates and was successful at downloading two of them. The site was pretty easy to use and understand. I also had seen that there is an Office 365 Small Business program. I’m interested in finding out more about that. Has anyone used this program?

What kind

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