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Unit 1 Discussion Board-Advanced Entrepreneurship


Submitted By VanTrease1
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Unit 1 Discussion Board
Presented in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Class
MGMT422-1101B-01 Advanced Entrepreneurship
Joseph VanTrease
American Intercontinental University Online
21 March 2011 defines the word innovation as something new or different introduced; a new method or device. The defines the same word as a process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay.
The product that I chose is the luxurious Cadillac. It sold in more than 50 countries and territories, but mainly in North America. The Cadillac is marquee owned by General Motors. It is the second oldest American automobile manufacturer behind Buick, and among the oldest brands in the world.
Cadillac’s inception to the world came in 1902 by Henry Leland, a master mechanic and entrepreneur. He named the company after his ancestor, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac; who was born Antoine Laumet, Detroit’s founder. General Motors purchased Cadillac in 1909 and within six years it became the foundation for the modern mass production of automobiles by demonstrating the complete interchangeability of its precision parts. It was also concluded that Cadillac was America’s premier luxury car. The crest on Cadillac is also an inspiration of Detroit’s founder around the time of his marriage in Quebec in 1687; however, there is no ancient family who holds the name “Cadillac”, nor is there a coat of arms in France.
Cadillac is innovative in its industry because it has transformed in many ways; especially when it introduced the Cadillac Escalade, a luxury sports utility vehicle in 1999. Other ways are that Cadillac pioneered many accessories in the auto industry such as full electrical systems, the clashless manual transmission, and the steel roof. This brand also developed and introduced three engines; one of which is the V8 and set the standard for the American automotive industry. The slogan “Standard of the World” was coined because Cadillac was the first American car to win the Dewar Trophy from the Royal Automobile Club of England in 1908. It won a second time because it incorporated electric starting and lighting in a production automobile.
I believe both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship was used with Cadillac. Entrepreneurship was used because a single person conceived the idea. Intrapreneurship was used because General Motors purchased it and introduced it to the world; making it the most innovative automobile in the world during its inception.
The advantage of starting the company as an entrepreneurship is that all profits are yours as well as you being named the person who started a standard or trend. Also, if the product is a success, you have the chose to continue as a “mom-n-pop” or sell. If you are selling, you will have the advantage because this particular product set high marks on how to be an automobile company that sells luxury cars.
The disadvantage of starting an entrepreneurship is that all failure is yours as well. You are responsible for monies going in and out of your company. However, Cadillac did not have any challenges premier on the market. It was a success in its first states and has evolved to be in several hip hop videos, and on TV animations such as Family Guy.

Lambing, P.A. & Kuehl, C.R. (2007) Entrepreneurship (4TH Ed) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Retrieved 21 March 2011, from,
Retrieved 21 March 2011, from,
Retrieved 21 March 2011, from,

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