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Diversity Awareness Case Study


Submitted By patinumwritwers
Words 813
Pages 4
CRP 460/560X Social Justice & Planning

Spring 2013

Department of Community and Regional Planning

Beyond simple “text book” learning, in this course we will strive to connect the material with current happenings in our world and communities. You will have an opportunity to do this in this two‐part assignment. In assignment 1 you will find and research a diversity awareness project. This first part will focus on learning what other groups and organizations have done to promote diversity awareness. Then, in assignment 2 you will develop a campaign for promoting diversity awareness in your own academic community – the College of Design.

Iowa State University has many projects and initiatives focused on social justice and diversity. Each unit and department creates educational programing and events to meet the needs of their students, faculty, and staff. The College of Design Diversity Board, the University Diversity Committee, and other departments want help developing a Diversity Awareness Campaign that:
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Is inclusive to all Iowa State University students, faculty, and staff, Encourages sensitivity towards and connections across differences, Initiates dialogue and training opportunities related to diversity concerns, Encourages the development of educational programming and activities that explore multiple human and cultural perspectives, and Encourages awareness regarding the needs to the global community.

This assignment will correspond to 11 percent of your total grade (CRP 460) and 10 percent of your grade (CRP 560). The goal of this assignment is to find an example of how diversity

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