Premium Essay

Diversity in Construction Management


Submitted By mikebraden
Words 1168
Pages 5
Michael L. Braden

|802 Walnut Dr. Clifton Park, NY 12065 |Email Address: |
|Cell Phones: (401) 477-9189 | |

| Objective |Seeking a Construction Management position with a company that has goals for expansion and growth. |

| Core Competencies & Traits |Client Relations ▪ Team Building ▪ Leadership ▪ Quality Assurance ▪ Safety & Health Detail Oriented ▪ Adaptable ▪ |
| |Flexibility ▪ Self Starter ▪ Problem Solving Skills Communication Skills ▪ Contractor Management ▪ Commercial |
| |Awareness Construction Knowledge ▪ Scheduling ▪ Coordination ▪ Progress Tracking ▪ Planning Technical Skills ▪ |
| |Documentation ▪ Daily Reporting ▪ Dependable ▪ Positive Attitude Confidence ▪ Due Diligence ▪ Lessons Learned |


|Experience |Mr. Braden has over 20 years of Industrial and Commercial Construction experience as, Project Construction Manager,|
| |Superintendent & Quality Manager. Responsible for providing leadership and overseeing the entire Construction |
| |project and phase of Site Development, including all civil construction functions. Experienced in all disciplines |
| |of construction (civil, structural, architectural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing), including but not limited|
| |to evaluation of contractor production, coordination of contractor’s activities, solving construction

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