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Document Based Essay


Submitted By anerdfighter
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Pages 2
Document Based Question

Essay Outline

Use this 5 paragraph form. Make sure you use all of the documents. Groups for body paragraphs don’t have to be an equal number of documents and documents can be used in more than one group. There must be at least 2 documents in a group. Use the Author’s name immediately followed by document number (i.e.Stearns, #4) for easy reference.

1) Thesis (try to use 1 detailed sentence).
Remember to restate the question as a statement, and then use the rule of 3 for your blueprint. Don’t put document numbers in thesis. Watch for questions that are comparative or change over time.

2) Body 1 Thesis (1st of your 3, after body thesis list doc. for group; i.e. #2, 5, 8)
POV Statement for document # 2 (Use at least two sentences)
1st sentence include the author (doc#), background, and its meaning.
2nd sentence explain why the author has their point of view or POV)
POV Statement for document # 5 (Use at least two sentences)
POV Statement for document # 8 (Use at least two sentences)
Additional document remember to tell the type of document, who it is from, and why it is needed by tying it back to the thesis)

3) Body 2 Thesis (2nd of your 3, after body thesis list doc. for group; i.e. #1, 9)
POV Statement for document # 1 (Use at least two sentences)
1st sentence include the author (doc#), background, and its meaning.
2nd sentence explain why the author has their point of view or POV)
POV Statement for document # 9 (Use at least two sentences)
Additional document remember to tell the type of document, who it is from, and why it is needed by tying it back to the thesis)

4) Body 3 Thesis (3rd of your 3, after body thesis list doc. for group; i.e. #3, 4, 6, 7)
POV Statement for document # 3 (Use at least two sentences)
1st sentence include the author (doc#), background, and its meaning.
2nd sentence explain why the author has their point of view or POV)
POV Statement for document # 4 (Use at least two sentences)
POV Statement for document # 6 (Use at least two sentences)
POV Statement for document # 7 (Use at least two sentences)
Additional document remember to tell the type of document, who it is from, and why it is needed by tying it back to the thesis)

5) Conclusion (restate thesis in one sentence)

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...please check the Explanation, Example and Videoconference available for each one of the Phase I courses so you better understand what AIU expects from you. You can always check these documents in your student section under Document Management and click on Phase I Documents. We recommend you to click on the following link which will help you in the use of your Online Student section How Students use the Student Section. All of the Phase I assignments may be completed through these TWO options:  ONLINE (Recommended): You will simply need to respond to the questions the course will ask from you when you click on START THE COURSE.  OFFLINE: This means that you can save the format in your computer, complete the format entirely and then submit it to AIU. Please complete, one at a time, each of the following assignments of Phase I: 1. Communication and Investigation (Comprehensive Resume) You will be asked to provide AIU with the information of your past experience (Retrospective) along with the goals you have planned for the future (Prospective) and the Current activities you are responsible now. At the start of this course, please send us, a copy of your ID which could be your passport or your driver’s license. 2. Organization Theory (Portfolio): Look for all the documents that you think can be used as support of your previous studies which you had already completed; remember to follow the scheme of your...

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