Premium Essay

Does Leadership Exist in Management


Submitted By DanHoward2
Words 5883
Pages 24
Does leadership exist in management? In order to find this out you need to look at management as a whole and leadership as a whole. Leadership is defined as, the position of function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group. Another common meaning is the process that involves attempts to influence other people in obtaining organizational goals. Given these definitions, you can see that leadership can be anywhere. A person doesn’t need to hold a certain position in a company or organization to be considered a leader; it’s not a job title. There are several types of leadership, laissez-faire, autocratic (authoritarian), participative (democratic), transactional, and transformational. Laissez-faire leadership, when translated, means leave do or hands off. This form of leadership allows subordinates more freedoms to complete their tasks. The employees make decisions instead of the managers. Autocratic or authoritarian leadership is a type of leadership where a leader acts as the dictator. All decision will come from the leader with little to no input from subordinates. Autocratic leadership is highly effective. These leaders are highly motivated, knowledgeable, and feel fulfilled when they achieve something on their own. Participative or democratic leadership involves cooperation by all members of a group or team to get things done. This type of leadership allows leaders to work closer and together with their subordinates. Advantages of participative leadership are organized into four groups are; acceptance, morale, creativity, and retention. Subordinates are likely to be accepting of decisions that are decided by general consensus. Staff morale is generally at a high level because there is an appreciation in being a part of the company decision making process. By encouraging employees to give their opinions and suggestions you get more creativity than

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