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Eastern & Western Philosophers


Submitted By halokj30160
Words 922
Pages 4
Eastern and Western Philosophers have shaped how people of the world reason and think about certain subjects. One of the most debated subjects is religious philosophy. Religious philosophy is comprised of Eastern and Western philosophy based on where the philosopher came from. The philosophers of the East are part of three different groups; Buddhism and Hinduism in India; Zen Buddhism and the Samurai tradition in Japan; and Taoism, Confucianism, and Ch’an Buddhism in China. Western philosophy is broken down more by Christianity, rationale, and scientific theories (Moore & Bruder, 2008). Western philosophy is more about the here and now and the more about the me concept while the Eastern philosophy is about the universal truth of eternal reality and self-liberation by dropping the false self and concentration on the discovering your true “me”. The two philosophers that I have chosen have dramatically different theories of philosophy but at the same time they have similar views. Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha is the Eastern religious philosopher that I have chosen. I also learned about him in my humanities class and I am still fascinated by his story. The second philosopher belongs to the Western philosophy, Friedrich Nietzsche, and he is from Germany. Gautama was a born to the King of India and had never left the castle grounds because his father wanted to keep him sheltered from the world. Finally at the age of 29, Gautama wandered through the city and couldn’t believe the suffering of the people. He had no idea there was so much suffering all around him since he had never left the castle grounds. This great suffering that he felt led him to leave his life as a prince, and leave behind all of his worldly possessions and his wife and child, to find enlightenment. It took Gautama about six years to become enlightened on what he needed to do. In

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