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Economic Activities and Health Hazards of Street Children in Dhaka City


Submitted By scionax
Words 3156
Pages 13
Economic Activities and Health Hazards of Street Children in Dhaka City
*Prof. Md. Nurul Islam Ph.D
ISWR,University of Dhaka
**Md. Saiful Islam
Lecturer, Department of Social Work
Asian University of Bangladesh Abstract:
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of street life on the health of poor children who live and work full-time on the streets of Dhaka city. The prime objective of this study was to know the health hazards of street children, who live in the way of harm, and how these experiences and learning, can contribute more effectively towards the future actions for protection of street children. The methodology of the study is based both on primary and secondary data. After collecting necessary data from secondary sources a sample survey was conducted to collect primary field data. Data was collected on the basis of the questionnaire, and the sample of the study was selected purposively. The significant findings of the study reveal that street children live in a highly hazardous environment. It’s a warning sign for any developmental consequences. This paper highlights the present condition of the street children in Dhaka city and recommended some suggestion.
Key words: Street, Children, Health, Hazards,
Street children are common problem for a developing country like Bangladesh. Being out in the open street eventually impairs the personality and creativity of Children. The global efforts for preservation of child rights and protection of them from child labour are coming on first priority of every nation. Street children can be found easily on Dhaka city corporation in diverse places such as in industries, factories, hotels and restaurants, shops, automobile and engineering workshops, building and construction, garbage collection, book binding etc. All these factors make them vulnerable to deficiency,

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