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Electoral College Dbq Analysis

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In the 1787 Constitutional Convention, the members debated on methods on how to pick the President of the United States. Finally the Committee of Eleven proposed an indirect election, which is the Electoral College. The voters elect the electoral college which then elects the President. However there is much room for mistakes through this process. Therefore, due to the corruption and inequality, the Electoral College is not a fair and equitable way to elect the President of the United States. Over the years, there have been times when the Electoral College elects a candidate that did not win the popular vote. For example in the election of 1824, Andrew Jackson won the popular vote with 152,933 votes but John Quincy Adams became president …show more content…
As written in Federalist #68, “A small number of persons, selected by their fellow citizens from the general mass” (Doc 1). The Federalist Papers were written by multiple people under the name “Publius” and they were distributed out to everybody. Federalist #68 was written by Alexander Hamilton who was a middle aged, white male. He was part of the Continental Congress and led the Federalist party. He favored a strong national government but wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution. He also advocated for “rule by the best people. Hamilton wrote this to show people the reasons for why the executive branch works the way it does. Hamilton discusses how the electoral college will lower the amount of corruption. He also believed that the population of people would make the wrong decision. However if people are not smart enough to vote for their own president without an Electoral College who is to say that people will pick the right senators and representatives to represent them. People might pick tyrannical people to represent their state. The Electoral College can still be corrupted, all it takes is one evil person to be …show more content…
Voting has changed a lot over the years. It first started off with only being white men and now all races and women can vote in the elections. Although more people are given the freedom of voting now, they are still restricted by the Electoral College, since that has the ultimate power in who becomes the President. The Electoral college gives smaller states an advantage over the bigger states. Also the Electoral College holds a great deal of power on determining who becomes president, therefore suppressing the voice of the people. Additionally the Electoral College can still be corrupted if people elect the wrong person to represent them. This makes it even worse because the Senators and Representative already have more power than the common person, so it is worse if members of the Electoral College are corrupted rather than one person voting for the wrong person in an election. As a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people, the United States should formulate a better plan for electing the

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